Friday, July 26, 2013

The Next Day....

Day one of retirement...what to do, what to do.

Yesterday had lots of hugs and tears (no regrets about leaving,
but it was sad to leave some of the nice people I work with.)

They knew what I'd be doing after I said, "Goodbye"

So....a really special lady said I needed to do something nice for myself today,
Does using my Accuquilt to cut hexagons count as fun?
Yep! It sure does!
Do you use an Accuquilt?
Now that I'm retired, I plan to use mine more.

The Ho Ho Ho blog hop comes first, but I need to get ready for those
because That Other Lady is already working on hers....
(as I've said before, I'm not competitive or anything.)
I love my little red clips, too!

Blog hops that will be coming soon to blogs near you:


  1. I don't have an Accuquilt, but they look super handy. Hexies sound a lot scarier than what they are. Can't wait to see what you and the other lady dream up. :). Have a great day, retiree!

  2. I have the it!! Have to get it out much to do; so little time!!!

  3. Happy first day of retirement :) My sister has a GoBaby, she loves it. Have a great weekend.

  4. Happy Retirement!
    I have one and love the hexagon cutter, so nice to be able to cut them out, instead of hand cutting each one.


  5. Happy retirement Carol. Yes you will have lot of time sewing. Don´t´mind what the other lady is up to, there is always something going on over there in her house.
    I haven´t started on my hexies yet, but I know what to make.
    Have a great weekend

  6. Happy retirement!!
    No Accuquilt,I hand cutting mine.
    Can`t wait to see what do you make.Have a fun weekend!!

  7. Ohhh nice did they know I like red white and black..ohhh right it is about you wasn't it? lol
    Yes I am btw working on my hexies...and I am not scared of you at all...Although, I have an Accuquilt, but I don't have a hexie I don't ....mmmm I have a lot of others though...we will have to do trades....I have snowflakes...pumpkins, small rounded dresdens..
    Your hexies are big....mmmm mine are really small..ok, maybe I am a bit are going to have soooo much more time to do STUFF...Have you thought of
    bug collection...LYNN thought that was a good idea...I think so too lol

  8. I do not have a accuquilt but boy oh boy have I been wanting one for a long time.... Its on the some day list along with the silhouette vinyl cutter.......I think you could start fabric colletcing in earnest now that you are retired or china cup colecting...hmmm of course that might spark a little bit more un competiton with the other lady.

  9. You are so going to love retirement. However, watch out because before you know it "things" start to creep in and you can't find enough time to quilt!

  10. Congratulations on retirement! I know you will enjoy quilting more. I have an Accuquilt Go Baby, but at the moment my sister has it. I really would like to have the hexie die.

  11. It's Day 2, just checking in to see how much you have been getting done....FYI I am making slippers ( sock monkeys this morning along with a matching cup)
    just in case you were wondering? lol

  12. Happy Retirement.
    I retired last year and I thought I would have more time to sew. But it turns out I have less. It's because I am doing all those other fun things I enjoy so much.

  13. Congratulations on your retirement Carol and now the fun begins!! I have a Go Baby and love using it!

  14. Oh, I missed this! What a great event in your life! Happy retirement, Carol, I hope you will enjoy your time, I always hear that after retiring you get a really busy life, so 'that other lady' does not need to fear your retirement at all!
    But enjoy, enjoy, enjoy all the time of your retirement!
    I don't have a cutting machine of any kind, I'm a stay at home mom with big children, I can use all my time cutting with old fashioned scissors ;)

  15. Congratulations on your retirement!! We have been retired 3 years, but now I find myself too busy and need to try saying "no" a little more often. I don't have an Accuquilt, but I looks like they would be really helpful and time-saving. I'm sure you will find lots of ways to fill your days. It is especially good to have more time to sew!

  16. Hi! 1st time to your blog I am trying to enter the blocnloc ruler giveaway...Happy retirement and more quilting!


Comments are always appreciated!

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