Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Seam Ripper Is Having Way More Fun Than Me

After realizing that my seam ripper was having way too much fun tearing out seams, I decided I 
needed a short break from sewing. I also thought my ripper needed a little rest from working so hard.
Seriously, I was ripping more than sewing. Aaaargh!

Yes, that's my favorite ripper enjoying some sun in my garden of squash.
Those squash plants are so small, but hopefully they will grow up big and strong.

These flowers hover over my garden and bring the bees. I love bees!

There's one!

And another!

This one was giving me the eye so I backed off a little.

No word on my vintage Singer...darn! I decided to sand and refinish the cabinet.
It had a couple other layers of staining on it, but hopefully I can get it to look okay.

While my ripper was enjoying a holiday, my hubby took me to a What Women Want convention.
What a guy and so brave to walk around with all those women!

Picked up this wreath for my door...even the hubby liked it.

This quilt is what had my ripper a little busy this week.
Some points didn't meet perfectly and that 5" paper pieced star argued a little, too.
Sewing the blocks on point caused a little confusion for me my ripper, 
so there might have been a row or two that had to get ripped out.

I hope to keep my ripper a lot less busy this week and actually get some sewing done!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Keeping Up With The Snapshot Quilt Along

I'm totally shocked that I've managed to keep up with the Snapshot Quilt Along.
I thought by now I'd be so far behind I'd have given up, but I'm all caught up!

The apron's done!
I made it in black since that's the color of the apron I usually wear.

The other blocks

I had to hussle to get a pic of the apron because dark clouds were trying to hide the sun.

The flowers were loving the little bit of sunshine, too.

My purple pepper is coming along, though it is all alone on the vine.

Friday, May 22, 2015

A Vintage Singer Sewing Machine Just For Me

My hubby has been quite the amazing guy lately. 
He not only drives me around to take photos of my quilts, but he took me
 out for a ride today and surprised me by stopping at the local vintage store...


I saw this vintage Singer sewing machine sitting there and it just called my me, it did!
The price was really good, so I quickly told that cute sales guy that I would be taking it home today.
My hubby asked me if I'd plugged it in to make sure it worked. Nope!

 We drove straight to my favorite local sewing machine store with big hopes that they could clean it
 up and maybe even get it running. There's some parts missing, but the body is in great shape.
After owning it for less than 20 minutes, I left the store without it.
I'll know next week whether it is just a pretty decoration or if it can be fixed.

I didn't even have my good camera, so my phone pics will have to do for now.

According to the nice people at the Singer Support Center, it is a
Singer Model 99, manufactured on April 10, 1934.

It even came with a Singer sewing cabinet (model #49) that's in not-so-good shape.
 It's missing the lid...darn...and one side of it is really damaged. 

It needs some gluing and painting, that's for sure.
The big decision is what color to paint it...I'm not sure what I'll do.
Leaving it as is or restaining it isn't an option because of the damage on the side.

I think my husband got the picture on how excited I was because I kept screaming saying 
(I get excited over the little things in this machine!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Ladies Are Done

The Ladies Diary Quilt is FINALLY done!

I started it in June 2013 after falling in love with the fabric and design.
By September 2013 I had the top all put together.

It was quilted (by Quilted Works) in October 2013.

And here it is May 2015 and I finally completed the binding.
I'm so excited to get this sweet quilt TOTALLY finished!

I needed a fence high enough to accommodate this big quilt, so we hung it on a baseball field fence.

I love everything about it!

A little help from the hubby...

...who was trying to make shadow birds on my quilt.
Once a little boy, always a little boy. Love him!

I can now check this off my nonexistent list of things that need to be done. Yay!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Whoooo Lost My Brown Fabric

I'm sure it's ME that lost the brown fabric that was meant to be branches in my Hoots Hollow quilt.
I was probably being tidy (which rarely happens) and threw it away.

So...a little adjustment happened and no tree branches will be included in the outer border.
The gazillion leaves that have already been cut out will have to be used somewhere else.
It ended up a little smaller, but it works for me! Next step will be to quilt it.

This is Ribbon Candy Quilt Company's pattern with branches in the cute!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

To List Or Not To List

I'm bad about making any kind of a list. Like really, really bad about it.
Quite often I see blogger's posts with lists of their finished, need to finish, and want to finish projects.
They are my heroes!

When my oldest grandson was around four or five years old he used to pretend to write lists on his 
hand.  He would then accurately tell me what I needed to buy or where I needed to go.
I need him to write a "hand list" of all the projects I have in the making and need to finish.
Maybe that would motivate me...or not.

There's this quilt from October 2013 that is sitting in the corner waiting for minor finishing.
The binding is sewn all the way around it on one side. All I need to do is finish the other side.
I love this quilt, yet it sits there waiting for me...since 2013!

Then there's the Snapshot Quilt. I'm a block behind because I'm not sure I like the dog one I made.
Button eyes, applique eyes...I can't decide.

I've got all the applique done on my project from Margie at Ribbon Candy Quilting.

I only have a few blocks to sew together and then it will be done. I have to get it done, because
I hear that Margie has an elephant in the making and I will want to make it for sure! I love elephants!

There's my purple Dresden to quilt, a baby quilt for the grandson born two months ago,
then that one, this one, the other one...all sitting there waiting.
Let's not even go there with all the ideas in my head!

Last summer I finished several quilts, so maybe I can finish more this summer.
Are you a list maker? Do they really help?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Having Fun With The Ladies And The Dresdens

I spent Saturday with some fun ladies while teaching them how to make a Dresden Sunburst quilt. 
 Some of them just watched, but a few got into it and learned how to make a Dresden 
and one seam flying geese. They were so surprised at how easy it was to make them both.

I love the dimensional looks they created with their Dresdens and flying geese!
They've promised to send me pics of their completed project...I can't wait to see them!

I got the borders and flying geese attached to my purple Dresden and now I just need to quilt it.
Hopefully that will be soon!

There's A Winner!

Thanks to all of you who played along in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!

 #287 - Vickie W.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people,
promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~ Tenneva Jordan

May your day be filled with lovely memories of the mom (or moms) who've been in your life!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

I'm so glad you stopped by to visit during the giveaway day at Sew Mama Sew!

What am I giving away today?
A $20 gift certificate from my favorite online store...


Contest is over...thanks for playing along!

QUILT TAFFY has a large selection of fabric and sewing notions...great customer service, too!

The Rules
  1. Leave a comment...your favorite color works for me.
  2. Giveaway ends at 5 a.m. PST on May 11thEntries after 5 a.m. PST on May 11th will not be included in the giveaway.
  3. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you aren't sure whether or not you are a no reply blogger, LEAVE ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS...pretty please! You can't win if I can't contact you! It will be such a shame if I pick your number, but can't reach you.
I'm so glad you stopped by...hope you come again sometime!
You can follow me on Bloglovin or Facebook if you want to. It would make me smile!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...