Thursday, February 24, 2022

That Pesky No-Reply Blogger Thing

One of the hardest things for a lot of us bloggers is the NO-REPLY BLOGGER issue. This means that when you comment on our blog, we get a notification of that comment in our email box. If that email shares your comment but not your email address, that means you are a no-reply blogger. Our ability to reply to you is impossible unless we know who you are. 

We aren't ignoring you, we just can't do anything about it. It's so frustrating when someone leaves a comment that needs a reply and we can't do it. Help us out!

If you want to hear back from your favorite bloggers, here's what you can do to fix it. It will only fix your blog from being a no-reply blogger, not other blogs. 

This only applies to people who use Google's Blogger format.

Go to your Blogger Dashboard

On the left, click on "Settings" - Scroll clear to the bottom to “General” - Click on “User Profile” 

Click “Show my email address”
This should allow us to reply to your comment. 

Want to see if it works? Leave a short comment and I'll reply to you. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Whipped Cream For Breakfast

I admit, Bruster and Bella are spoiled because among other things, they get whipped cream for breakfast. They whine at me every morning until I take them to Starbucks for their pup cup or Puppacino of whipped cream. 

Sometimes I play the tough mom and don't go to Starbucks or if I do go, they don't always get whipped cream. I have to at least attempt to show them who's boss!

I've been sewing for blog hops this week, including "Time in a Bottle" and "Wonderful World of Color". The tops are done and are ready for quilting. I love being ahead of the game! A blog hop using books in our stash is happening at Beaquilter's soon, so I'm using some stash fabric for it, including this charm pack.

FLASHBACK - I found a post in my journal from February 2012 about the first mini quilt I ever made. It was for a blog hop and I'd never made a quilt this small.

May your day be the best it can be!
FYI - Starting with whipped cream might help.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Can You Blog Or Journal Everyday?

There was a time when I wrote in my journal books almost everyday. Then I switched to writing or sharing on my private blog daily. Now that my blog is mostly about quilting, I'm lucky if I blog three or four times a month. I wonder if I can blog everyday like I used to and not always about quilting. I'm really not sure! Can you or do you blog almost everyday?

All of this started in my head after an email conversation with Mary at Needled Mom. We've blogged together for years (I love her blog), but we've both tapered off a lot. We're busy and wonder where the time goes. So, where the heck does it go! 

My old private blog is packed with memories! I opened it to a post I made on February 21, 1999. It wasn't much of anything, but it brought back a happy time I'd totally forgotten about.

Up On The Hill
Linda and I climbed out of her car and walked to this point overlooking St. George just 
so we could take a picture. We were exhausted from the hike! 

When I we first bought a house in Utah, my sister (Linda) and I would go on adventures during the weekends we'd get together. In 1999 we'd taken a hike, which was really not that big of a hike, but we had so much fun. Two old ladies walking up the little mountain took a lot out of us!

Photos make blogging memories so much easier. Here's a few I took over the last couple of days.

The newest Monkey Baby...I could stare at her all day.

The youngest Monkey Boy with powdered sugar on his nose.
He makes me smile all the time!

I bought a Juki in December and just sewed on it for the first time the other day.
I love it, but I also love my Bernina. 
That project is for the "Time in a Bottle" blog hop coming next month. 

I met Jackie Chan in 2008 or 2009 when he came to the office I worked at. I love his shoes! That's me on his right in a black suit and looking rather slim...those were the days! All of us were dressed in animal prints for some reason. Wish I'd written down the reason for that!

I love his "diary" quote: "My schedule goes: wake up, running, exercise, downstairs, running shoes off, then to the shower. That's the Jackie Chan diary." - Jackie Chan

There's a group of ladies that join LeeAnna at "Not Afraid of Color" and post things they like every Thursday. Some of them are incredibly faithful about posting. I tried to do it, but I failed. It's really fun to read their "likes"!

I can't make a promise to myself or anyone else that I'll blog more, even though I know it's good for the soul to record our memories. But maybe, just maybe I can do better. You all know I'll be here for sure once a month for the blog hops!

March Blog Hop Coming And New Blog Hop Sign-Up Alert

The March blog hop is not far off and you can still sign-up if you want to play along, There are so many amazing bloggers on the list and Id love to add your name. The more the merrier!

The challenge is to add an hourglass block to your project. email me if you want to play along.

I love the excitement of a new blog hop coming and this one, hosted by Joan at Moosestash Quilting, is going to be so fun! I take turns hosting the blog hops with Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks and Joan. This opens up a whole world of creative challenges!

Joan is ready for you to sign-up for "Wonderful World of Color" so hurry and go snatch your spot on her list! 

Joan's blog hop challenge for April:

The sky is the limit. 
Color, world, lets face it anything fits this theme, don't you think?

Joan's contact info:

Check out her blog post for all the info HERE.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

A "Tickled Pink" Blog Hop Starts Today - My Day Too

I have so many reasons to feel "Tickled Pink" this month, including this amazing blog hop hosted by the always incredible Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks! Thanks for this pink challenge!

Last October I learned there was a new Monkey Baby coming and it was a girl. Shocking! With six brothers, this sweetie will be so spoiled and protected! Since I was in Utah at Garden of Quilts, I managed to find time to shop for PINK fabric. Found some!

I went with an easy pattern because it took me until January to sew it. and
Monkey Baby was due in February (yikes!)

A little minky on the back so the little princess will be comfy.

She arrived on February 9th and I can't seem to stop staring at her.
Once I learned the new Monkey Baby's name, a new quilt was created!

Of course it had lots of DOTS, a ruffle and minky on the back!

Check out all the other Tickled Pinks!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Riley Blake Designs Best Of She Who Sews

It is always a pleasure to see what J. Wecker Frisch comes up with in her designs. Her creative mind is just incredible! Riley Blake Designs "Best of She Who Sews" definitely shows off her beautiful designs.

 53" x 58"

I love this sewing lady!

The details in J. Wecker Frisch fabrics are so fun to look at.

Look at these tape measure!

The pretty panel made this quilt quick and easy to sew.

You can find the pattern for "Rolling Thru Thread" HERE.

The spools of thread are appliqued using my favorite iron-on adhesive, ThermOWeb's HeatnBond.
You can even use your inkjet printer to print out the tracing!

You can still sign-up for the "Time in a Bottle" blog hop...just email me!

The challenge is to add an hourglass in your project. I added some in the quilt above.
They are so easy to make!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Cackling Stitches 2022 Block Of The Month Begins

I love my creative partners, Joan and Carla, in our wickedly crazy Halloween Facebook group, Cackling Stitches! This is our second year hosting a Halloween block of the month. It is so fun!

Those two keep me focused and secure on my broom because sometimes I can get carried away with monstrous ideas. They have to work overtime to bring me back to earth when I go zinging all over the place. They aren't always successful...just saying.

Joan loves Halloween as much as I do or maybe more. She can whip up some creative quilt blocks with just the twitch of her little finger and a sprinkle of dried frog toes! It's been said that she's a descendant of Witchiepoo, but I wouldn't want to spread that kind of creepy rumor.

Carla magically creates her blocks with a tug on her ear, an eye of newt, and wand that constantly rocks our Halloween world! I read in one of my spell books that she was the hairdresser for Glenda, the good witch of Oz. That wouldn't surprise me at all!

Anyway, they both make me smile and they are amazing in everything they do. Which brings me back to the Creepy Critters Block of the month. Check out our Facebook page for all the info on blocks, borders, yardage, etc. HERE.

The first block is Rotary Rita, designed by me. She's serious about her rotary cutter, so don't mess with her!

Come join us for some tricks, treats, and Creepy Critters!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...