Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Whipped Cream For Breakfast

I admit, Bruster and Bella are spoiled because among other things, they get whipped cream for breakfast. They whine at me every morning until I take them to Starbucks for their pup cup or Puppacino of whipped cream. 

Sometimes I play the tough mom and don't go to Starbucks or if I do go, they don't always get whipped cream. I have to at least attempt to show them who's boss!

I've been sewing for blog hops this week, including "Time in a Bottle" and "Wonderful World of Color". The tops are done and are ready for quilting. I love being ahead of the game! A blog hop using books in our stash is happening at Beaquilter's soon, so I'm using some stash fabric for it, including this charm pack.

FLASHBACK - I found a post in my journal from February 2012 about the first mini quilt I ever made. It was for a blog hop and I'd never made a quilt this small.

May your day be the best it can be!
FYI - Starting with whipped cream might help.


  1. What a fun post. Just makes me smile. Pup cups. So sweet.

  2. I don't think I saw your pooches before. Mine are one black and one brown. Dang little Min Pin devils! Gotta love em. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to start giving them Ice Cream!
    xx, Carol

  3. Don't let them tell Percy about this...he would add that to his list of daily demands! Glad to hear you are sewing....I need to do that...too much computer work these last few days. Love that friendship star mini!

  4. What lucky (and cute) little pups getting cream for breakfast. Looks as though you're making a fun project with that sweet charm pack.

  5. Love seeing you blog again!❤ I've really been pondering your post from the other day addressing this

  6. Very lucky pups there!! Nice fabric you are going to use.

  7. ShhhhCarol! There could be a stampede of canines like our Levi demanding such special treatment. Cute pups there. Levi started his reduced food intake today, and I hope we can help him back to a healthier weight. Have a great day.

  8. And I thought our dog was spoiled! That was cute. Thanks for sharing! I live in the Houston area and we wake up every single morning to at least one killing overnight so dogs lapping up whipped cream is a breath of fresh air.

  9. that is so cute. yup they are totally spoiled. when we had a keeshond, she loved ice cream. problem was she hated the car. when I would have her in the car, I would stop and get a small ice cream from mcdonalds and she wouldnt eat it. so then next time I went to burger king and nope she wouldnt eat it. next time I would bring some in a cooler from home and after the vet, nope she wouldnt eat it. so next time out, I gave her ice cream when we got home. nope she wouldnt eat it. I think she was just made at me for taking her in the car and this was her way of showing it. boy we loved that girl. she was the one that showed both of our two kiddos ( 2 and 4 yrs ), that they didnt need to be afraid of dogs. Before we got Penny they both became terrified of dogs for some odd reason. well we nipped that one in the bud. they learned to respect dogs

  10. It's a toss up who's smarter...Starbucks or your puppies! LOL!!!!
    I need to take a page out of your book and get my rear in gear and get busy here myself. Lots of fun blog hops coming up this year.

  11. If they get pup cups, I hope you get something delightful for making the effort to take them to Starbucks - LOL. I'm sure Wilbs would enjoy a cat cup, but not the car ride. Haha.

  12. They are so cute eating their whipped cream! That is so funny. I didn't know Starbucks did that. Mine would love that! It's nice to be ahead of the game in the quilt department. It's tough at times though!

  13. So sweet! Mine got to lick the beater from cream cheese icing this morning. They only got a little but to them it was the world!

  14. I love that you're showing them who's boss. Our dog Annie, is really my son's dog, but lives with us at our house. I'm not allowed to feed her any table scraps or treats. Yes, she has a food allergy, but only to chicken as far as we know. I always want to feed her special things but she rats me out. I honestly would love to give her whipped cream!! She would love it, but I would get in trouble with my son. It might be worth it...your pup photo is adorable

  15. Hi Carol! Two in a row (posts)! The pups should be spoiled . . . that is an unwritten rule. And if you didn't do it, who exactly would?? Life is short - we should all start our day with a quick burst of whipped cream. YUM! I'm definitely in as are my littles. I'm 100% certain those Monkey Boys and Baby will happily take up that tradition. February 2012 flashback - just think of how many minis you've made and hops you have hosted since then! You are amazing. Happy Thursday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. Haha, my hubby would agree that starting the day with cream helps!! Can't wait to see what you do with the charm pack, it's my favorite Christmas fabric line :) xx


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