Saturday, February 5, 2022

Riley Blake Designs Best Of She Who Sews

It is always a pleasure to see what J. Wecker Frisch comes up with in her designs. Her creative mind is just incredible! Riley Blake Designs "Best of She Who Sews" definitely shows off her beautiful designs.

 53" x 58"

I love this sewing lady!

The details in J. Wecker Frisch fabrics are so fun to look at.

Look at these tape measure!

The pretty panel made this quilt quick and easy to sew.

You can find the pattern for "Rolling Thru Thread" HERE.

The spools of thread are appliqued using my favorite iron-on adhesive, ThermOWeb's HeatnBond.
You can even use your inkjet printer to print out the tracing!

You can still sign-up for the "Time in a Bottle" blog hop...just email me!

The challenge is to add an hourglass in your project. I added some in the quilt above.
They are so easy to make!


  1. Cute quilt. I just love those prints. I have a whole set from a while back.

  2. Beautiful quilt. Love the panel.

  3. Sweet quilt! That is one talented woman in that panel! I love J. Wecker Frisch's designs too and still have a lot of her previous She Who Sews line. :)

  4. What a glorious quilt! Love that fun panel. Neat applique!

  5. J Wecker Frisch is one of my favorite designers. Everything she does is pure gold to me. You took that gold and turned it into platinum!

  6. I am tickled pink by this "makes me smile" panel quilt. Thanks Carol. I love your creativity, and that of the panel designer.

  7. Hi Carol! I always have to check out what you've made when Riley Blake is mentioned. I might be a bit of a stalker where RB fabrics are concerned . . . thankfully, I'm just kidding. Cute panel! Anything with dots always appeals to me. You did this proud - it turned out great. {{{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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