Thursday, May 18, 2023

Day Four Rose Colored Blog Hop Blog Hop

It's Day Four of the Sew It - Show It Challenge project for the "Rose Colored Glasses" blog hop. 

What was the challenge?
Your sewn project must have one or more of the following:

Rose/pink fabric
Positive Words
Who else is blog hopping this week?
Check it out!
Pretty please take the time to leave a comment, even a short one. 
That comment can make someone's day.

The Crafty Grammie (moved to today)

You can see all the Rose Colored Glasses projects on my Pinterest page HERE.

Check out what's coming next!

The June blog hop is hosted by Joan at Moosestash Quilting.
Let her know if you want to play along.

I'm hosting the July blog hop, Picnic Party.

The challenge is to make:
Something to use for a picnic (example - basket, tote, etc.) and/or
A square quilt (example - 50" x 50" or any square measurement)

Let me know if you want to play along.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Day Three Rose Colored Glasses Blog Hop

It's Day Three of the Sew It - Show It Challenge project for the "Rose Colored Glasses" blog hop. 

What was the challenge?
Your sewn project must have one or more of the following:

Rose/pink fabric
Positive Words

My Project that was shown on Monday:

Who else is blog hopping this week?
Check it out!
Pretty please take the time to leave a comment, even a short one. 
That comment can make someone's day.


You can see all the Rose Colored Glasses projects on my Pinterest page HERE.

Check out what's coming next!

The June blog hop is hosted by Joan at Moosestash Quilting.
Let her know if you want to play along.

I'm hosting the July blog hop, Picnic Party.

The challenge is to make:
Something to use for a picnic (example - basket, tote, etc.) and/or
A square quilt (example - 50" x 50" or any square measurement)

Let me know if you want to play along.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Day Two Rose Colored Glasses

It's Day Two of the Sew It - Show It Challenge project for the "Rose Colored Glasses" blog hop. 

What was the challenge?
Your sewn project must have one or more of the following:

Rose/pink fabric
Positive Words
Who else is blog hopping this week?
Check it out!
Pretty please take the time to leave a comment, even a short one. 
That comment can make someone's day.


You can see all the Rose Colored Glasses projects on my Pinterest page HERE.

Check out what's coming next!

The June blog hop is hosted by Joan at Moosestash Quilting.
Let her know if you want to play along.

I'm hosting the July blog hop, Picnic Party.

The challenge is to make:
Something to use for a picnic (example - basket, tote, etc.) and/or
A square quilt (example - 50" x 50" or any square measurement)

Let me know if you want to play along.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses

It's my day, along with other fabulous and creative people, to share our 
Sew It - Show It Challenge project for the "Rose Colored Glasses" blog hop. 

What was the challenge?
Your sewn project must have one or more of the following:

Rose/pink fabric
Positive Words

My steampunk owl sees everything positive and beautiful through his rose colored glasses. He's very much into quilting, which is why he's surrounded himself with a few perfect tools for a sewing room.

My "Rose Colored Glasses" tote bag.

It measures about 18" x 22"...nice size for carrying my projects to sew with friends.

The fabrics are Benartex's Whisper Weave by Nancy Halvorsen. My friends and I found the fabric on sale during a big event at Sew Yeah Quilting. It was such a fun and costly visit for us!

My project was a slight change-up from a bag I made for a Benartex ambassador challenge 
using their logo. He does have a rose colored hat and wings!

Who else is blog hopping this week?
Check it out!
Pretty please take the time to leave a comment, even a short one. 
That comment can make someone's day.


You can see all the Rose Colored Glasses projects on my Pinterest page HERE.

Check out what's coming next!

The June blog hop is hosted by Joan at Moosestash Quilting.
Let her know if you want to play along.

I'm hosting the July blog hop, Picnic Party.

The challenge is to make:
Something to use for a picnic (example - basket, tote, etc.) and/or
A square quilt (example - 50" x 50" or any square measurement)

Let me know if you want to play along.

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...