Monday, October 29, 2012

Wicked--Day 6 AND The Ghastlie Bag

Have I ever told you that I'm terrible at following patterns and directions?
I think I've mentioned it a few times.
Making this bag was no different. I started with the Simplicity #2357 pattern,
but it wasn't quite right for what I wanted, so....
I made it bigger, the strap got longer, a slot for a pocket was added, and
my Ghastlie block was set-in one of the fabric pieces.
I liked it better, of course.
It's perfect for my on-the-go quilty projects
(with a pocket for my scissors and other necessities.)


Things just get creepier and creepier

as we move on to Day 6 of....
Thank you to the frighteningly Wicked Wendy for hosting this spooky hop!

HUGE thanks to the monstrously wonderful
 Madame Samm for her behind-the-scenes madness.
All the terrifying creations are pinned on her Pinterest page.

Now fly over and check out these other 
wicked hoppers who are posting today:

Monday, October 29th

There's my giveaway, too.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wicked...Day 5 And Other Scary Stuff

I usually try to remember to give credit to the makers of the patterns that I use, but yesterday I dropped the crystal ball and didn't add them to every block I made. ("SORRY" to those designers who truly deserve recognition.) Some of the blocks were from my fractured and insane little pea brain, but these blocks (in full or partial form) came from patterns (purchased or free) so here's the links or the who-made-them info:

Witch Boo-tique, Angie Badilla

Stalker, Garden Patch Cats, Helene Knott
Quotes & Notes, Marcia Hohn

Harvest Cabins #107, Cottage Quilt Designs

Madame Samm has set us off on another blog hopping
adventure for new ideas and inspiration. This hop is going to have 
some wicked stuff, so be prepared to be scared!

Wicked Wendy has been casting spells for months now
just trying to get us all


Today's Wicked Hoppers:


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Wicked Blocks Of Terror

I've always had friends and relatives who were considered by others to be different or creepy. 
It's kind of strange, but a few of my classmates in school disappeared after calling me 

Here I am with my Uncle Frank..he was a great guy!

Having to go to my job every day means that I have to dress and look a little different.
I love when the work day ends or it's a weekend so I can just be ME

To get ready for this WICKEDLY fun blog hop, I took some time off from
getting tattooed and casting spells to practice with applique.
 (You applique pros need to avoid looking too close.)

The pattern for this shoe is by Angie Padilla,

This block was a little bigger than the 12.5" blocks above and I added
some crazy blocks I've had sitting around a wickedly long time.

 I played with fire to make this little felt so naughty
(and wicked) to watch that fabric melt and burn!

I put all those blocks together to make this wall hanging

It didn't feel Wicked enough without at least one Ghastlie block.
I have a plan for this block, but it may take me a while to use it.

Thank you to the fabulously Wicked Wendy for hosting this spooky hop!

Now fly over and check out these other 
wicked hoppers who are posting today:

Thursday, October 25th

My Wicked Giveaway IS OVER!

If you win, you get one very wicked Moda Charm Pack of
"Eat Your Fruits n' Veggies" Batiks by Pat Sloan 
(The witch is not included. She's got lots more wicked stuff 
to do around my house before Halloween.)

This giveaway ends on October 31st, at 6 p.m. PST.

  1. Leave a short and wickedly sweet comment.
  2. Make sure I can contact you if you're a noreply blogger. Typing out your email address like this helps avoid spammers: iblog at aol dot com. If I can't contact you, you can't win.
  3. Only ONE entry per person
  4. I'll mail it anywhere.
  5. Entries after 6 p.m. PST on October 31st will not be included in the giveaway.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

The New Lady On My Blog

She is so ME!

I'm usually half-asleep or working with one eye 
open while the other one rests because
I don't always get a lot of sleep.

I'm lucky if I end up with make-up on even one eye,
but that purple eye shadow would definitely make me look fabulous
if I took some time to put some on!

I just got my hair cut--it looks almost exactly like hers..
short and two different cool.

My hand is on a mouse almost all of my
waking hours...really it is. I blog, I do
genealogy, and I do admin type stuff at work.

We could be twins!
(IF she was flat-chested and weighed a few more pounds, or
if she didn't look so gorgeous with those shapely lips and eyes.)

I love her in spite of her silly, glamorous flaws!

P.S. I didn't create her...someone far more talented than me put her parts together.
P.S.S. Thank you "Far More Talented" lady!

Wicked, Weird, And Wacky....It's Coming!

Don't forget about the giveaway

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spooky, Scary, And Very Wicked

October 22nd...Ghosts, Goblins, Witches,
and lots of creepy THINGS
will start to appear here, there, and everywhere!

The whole schedule can be found

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Week Until Wickedness!

There are lots of scary looking purple, orange, and green fabrics
 scattered all around my sewing room.

I'm getting ready for Wicked...are you?

The whole schedule can be found

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Rip Roarin' Giveaway!

I went back to Quilted Works ...twice in one day was very fun...and got another of these amazing little seam rippers as a giveaway. The rubber end grabs up those stray threads that we all hate to pick out.

You don't have to be a follower, you don't have to tell me your favorite thing to use a seam ripper on, but you do have to leave me a comment. The staff at Quilted Works are so nice and they have an online store, too--check them out by clicking HERE.

This giveaway ends has ended on October 20th, at 6 p.m. PST.

  1. Leave a short and sweet comment.
  2. Make sure I can contact you if you're a noreply blogger. Typing out your email address like this helps avoid spammers: iblog at aol dot com. If I can't contact you, you can't win.
  3. Only ONE entry per person
  4. I'll mail it anywhere.
  5. Entries after 6 p.m. PST on October 20th will not be included in the giveaway.

New Tool, Winner Winner!

I won some fabric from Debby Kratovil Quilts and a $25 gift certificate from Quilted Works. Such a lucky week for me! Maybe I should visit a casino and see if my luck holds out. Nah...I'm smart enough to know that it isn't the lucky people's money that builds those beautiful gambling places and that me winning anything is a rare event. 

I used the Quilted Works certificate to buy a little more Halloween fabric
(I never have enough, of course.)

There was a new fun tool at Quilted Works...
(I never need a ripper, so this info is for other people--LOL!)
This little seam ripper not only rips out those mistakes
that sometimes happen, but also has a rubber part that
brushes those annoying little threads away. 
I love it...I mean I WOULD love it if I ever made mistakes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And The Winner Is....

(An email has been sent to her with instructions
on collecting her prize.)

Thanks to everyone who left sweet comments and went looking for that other slice of pie!

The Last Day of Leafs Me Happy

For the whole LEAFS ME HAPPY schedule, go

is hosting this Leafs Me Happy.
Thanks Cherry!

Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt is showing us Leafs Me Happy favorites on 
her blog and pinning them on Pinterest so we can see them all in one place.
Thanks Madame Samm for creating the hops we're all loving!

Today's list of hoppers:

October 10

Sew We Quilt

Check out my giveaway HERE and don't forget you will get an extra bonus entry if you find that other slice of fabric pie that will be showing up on one of the posts in this hop. It's not a whole pie and it's not a real slice of will be just a slice and will be made of fabric

Keep your eye out for it!

Upcoming Blog Hops:

Wicked Wendy from Why Knot Kwilt will be hosting Wicked

Sweet Katherine at Sew Me Something Good will be hosting UR Priceless

Queen Pauline from Quilt N Queen will be hosting Holiday Lane

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...