Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Sweet Gift

I received a little package in the mail a couple of days ago that included a sweet message written on a beautiful card. Katherine at Sew Me Something Good sent me this sweet little needle case. She designed it using some vintage linen with gorgeous embroidery on it and added some purple fabric (guess she somehow figured out my favorite color.) It even came with those needles on PURPLE foil that reminded me of the ones in my mom's and grandmother's sewing boxes. I loved it! Thank you, Katherine!

Finally, my needles have a home.


  1. A very sweet treat! And no calories!

  2. Your needles have a gorgeous home.

  3. OMGoodness I love really and you know I am not even a fan of purple lol actually that is not true now..I like purple.. especially now...Katherine did you well..her we gift is superb...

  4. Chuffed that you like my little gift, Carol. You are such a sweetie. It was a pleasure to make you a little something using your favourite colour. ;o) Hope it will keep your needles handy!


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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