Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Finished Sun, Sand, And Sea BOM Quilt

The Sun, Sand, And Sea BOM quilt has taken a year to get sewn together and now
it's quilted (by Quilted Works) and ready for a trip to the beach.
Thanks, Amy from Sew Incredibly Crazy, for such a great BOM!

I love the quilting and red dotted back (Riley Blake fabric, too!)

All of my blocks are made with Riley Blake Design's Crayola fabrics.

I use Therm O Web's Heat n Bond EZ Print Lite sheets to prepare 
my applique pieces. I love that all I need to do is run the design through
 my printer, iron it to the wrong side of my fabric, cut out the pieces, 
and then press them in place. It is so fast and easy...I love easy! 

Are you joining us for the next Sew Incredibly Crazy Block of the Month?
I hope so! It starts on February 1, 2018.

Sew Incredibly Crazy

There's also a blog hop you can join...there's still time to sew something for it!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen to 2017

Where the heck did 2017 go? 
The older I get, the faster each year passes by. 
I don't like that!

At least my family had a smash-up Christmas celebration to send off the year.
Lots of food, games, laughter, and photos filled the days.
Insanity runs in my family.

Like father, like daughter.
They JUST HAD TO climb that tree! Yikes!

Yesterday I picked up my Sun, Sand, and Sea quilt from Quilted Works.
It looks amazing! I finished putting the binding on today and I'll post it on January 1st.

We're already gearing up for next year's BOM...I'm so excited!

I've taken a stab at making Brimfield blocks (EPP), but I'm so slow at it because of
some stiffness in my hands. It may be next year (as in 2019) before I finish even one!

Can't show this one until January 9th, but the fabric is Boots & Spurs by Riley Blake Designs.

And the blog hop is coming, of course...

Thursday, December 28, 2017

What Color Are Your "Kisses"?

My kisses don't really have a color (unless I'm wearing lipstick, of course),
but Riley Blake Designs "Kisses" by Doodlebug Designs has amazing colors!

I'm excited to say that Riley Blake Designs has given me "Kisses" fat quarters
for a giveaway during the Put A Little Love in Your Quilt Blog Hop.
Awesome and thank you, Riley Blake Designs!
Someone will be a very lucky winner in February!

The bear and the heart box aren't included, but was a gift from my mother-in-law.
She had a thing about bears and made sure every one of us had one or two bears to take home.
This was her favorite brand, but if she spotted one at a restaurant or store, 
you could be absolutely certain she'd be buying it to gift to someone special.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Put A Little Love In Your Quilt Blog Hop Ideas

Once all the Christmas fun is over with, I'll be looking for ideas for the
Put A Little Love In Your Quilt blog hop in February. Have you signed up
to play along yet? I'd love to have you join in! All you have to do is include a heart
somewhere on your project and share it on your blog on your assigned day.

Just Let Me Quilt

Email me if you want to join!

Putting a heart on a quilt or project is never hard for me.

A heart anywhere just totally shows the love, doesn't it!

Here's one idea for creating a heart quilt:
Creatin' In The Sticks has some easy quilt blocks that could have a heart
added anywhere on them. Her directions are easy, easy, easy to follow!

Each block has taken me less than 10 minutes from start to finish. Love it!

Look who will be sharing their love in February...such an amazing group!
I'm so excited!
I'd love to see your blog name there, too.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

My Quiet Book Pattern And Tutorial

My Quiet Book brings back a ton of memories for me. Making one for my grandsons was
a trip through time. Long, long ago, I can remember the ladies from the church who were my
mom’s age assembled them during a weekday class. I never made a quiet book for my own
children, but my older sister did. Her children were probably happier on Sunday than mine were!

My Quiet Book by Carol Swift, Just Let Me Quilt
Closed book measures 10” x 10”, for children ages 3-5

Check out the Therm O Web blog today to see how I made it using these products:
Iron – I love my purple Oliso iron!
Thread – Aurifil thread is great for applique

You can find the PDF pattern and tutorial at my Craftsy Store HERE.

Monkey Boy exploring the book

Trying the shoes on to see if they fit

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

It's A Wild Life Block Of The Month 2018

Sew Incredibly Crazy just posted the new theme for her block of the month for 2018.
It's A Wild Life!

Sew Incredibly Crazy

I'm excited to get started on it, but I'll have to wait until February 1st
when the first block is released. It's another fun BOM, for sure!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

7 Blocks Done In A 30 Quilt Blocks in 30 Days Challenge

I have managed to get 7 blocks done for Creatin' In The Sticks'

I was immediately behind (the story of my life the last few years/my whole life), but today
in less than an hour I had cut out, sewn, and pressed seven blocks...I am caught up!

I had the black and white fabric for a long time and the black fabric is a staple in my stash.
It may end up only being these two fabrics, but I'm not sure yet. It's kind of fun to get
creative with just two fabrics. Carla has already made a quilt with a couple of the blocks she
is sharing. Her directions are so easy with text and pictures that make it easy to understand.
This is perfect as a quick gift or donation quilt.

There's no guarantee that I'll keep up and this may move into 2018 before it's finished,
but I love how relaxing it is to sew these blocks. I might keep up with Carla!

Are you up for Creatin' In The Sticks
Just an idea (I occasionally have them)...
This would be a great quilt for the Put A Little Love In Your Heart Blog Hop!
Just add a heart or two to some of the blocks to make it eligible for the hop.

If you'd like to sign-up for the blog hop, send me an email.
I'd love to have you join in!

Christmas Ornament Table Runner With Windham Fabrics

Oh what fun it was to sew a Christmas ornament table runner using Windham Fabrics!
The fabric line, O’ Christmas Tree, included some gold fabric that I have to say was my favorite.

Look at all the other fabrics in this cute line...

I was lucky to be part of an amazing group of designers from Therm O Web to
create a variety of Christmas ornaments for a series. This was my block:

Amy from Sew Incredibly Crazy, Carla from Creatin' In The Sticks, and
Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl all made some beautiful ornament blocks.

Check them out on the Therm O Web blog HERE.

Of course, I used my favorite Therm O Web products to put it all together.

My purple Oliso iron makes ironing really does!


Would you like to join an amazing group of bloggers for a blog hop?
Come join us!
The hop will run from February 5th to February 8th...four days of fun!

The blog hop and rules are simple:

Make a quilt or project with a heart somewhere on it.
Post your project on your assigned day.
Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!
Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment.

It's two months away so there's plenty of time to get creative.

Send me an email with the following information:

Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL
Just Let Me Quilt

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...