Monday, August 31, 2015

EQ7 Row-A-Long Plus A Giveaway

It's finally happening... 
The EQ7 Row-A-Long begins today!
Not only are there lots of rows to make and EQ7 tips and tutorials being shared, 
there's also some amazing giveaways by incredible sponsors.

Marian at Seams To Be Sew has all the info 

As An Incentive To Participate By Making Blocks and Rows,
there are two giveaways going on for Craftsy and Nancy's Notions:
Class of your Choice
 Value $40.00 based on average cost of Quilting classes,
But the value goes up if you choose a sewing class.
3 individual winners


Nancy’s Notions
2 individual winners
$10.00 gift certificate

When you add a unique block/row to the Flickr Group that you’ve created from 
any of the patterns offered each week, you will get one entry into the drawing.
You can enter at any blog featuring the Flickr giveaway once each day of 
the Row-A-Long until October 13, 2015 when the giveaway closes.
Winners Announced October 14, 2015.
If you enter both giveaways, you need two unique blocks per each day you enter.
Duplicate Entries will be checked and if found you will be disqualified.
Filler Rows Do Not Count. These too will be disqualified if entered.

*Just a note...
This giveaway is for people who will be making and showing their rows.
Check the blogs below who are posting this week to see their special giveaways.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Each of the following blogs will have tutorials and giveaways on their days, too!








Thursday, August 27, 2015

I Think I'm Still Here Or There

I'm not sure where I've been lately, but...
I have been doing some sewing and hanging out with family and friends.
Seeing the Monkey Boys on their first day of school was a real treat.

Gotta love the excitement of being a kindergartner!

I was a kindergartner once, too!

I've sewn more puppy them and can't wait to put them all together.
I have to stop showing them or I won't have anything to show for the blog hop!

I'm ALMOST ready for the EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long that starts in a few days.
There will be seasonal rows for you to choose from to make your own quilts or whatever you 
want. I can't wait to show my row on September 15th and then on October 6th I'll show you
 the two quilts I made with some of the rows. It was so much fun putting rows together!

Many have asked if you have to have the EQ7 software to participate.


Each of the seasonal row patterns and filler rows were created in EQ7, but instructions will be 
available on each designer's blog with printouts available for you to download. 

To follow along on Facebook, there's a page that you can join:
You can see all the sponsors and giveaways HERE at Seams To Be Sew.

I'll have a couple of my own giveaways, too!
Fat Quarter Shop - $25 gift certificate
Ribbon Candy Quilt Company - 3 patterns

 There will be even more giveaways everyday on all the blogs participating.
Looks like a fun time in September!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

This Really Is Dog Gone Cute

After I got all the pieces sewn together for my first block, I had to agree with Lorna...
it really is a dog gone cute pattern! 

Lorna at Sew Fresh Quilts has a sew along and a blog hop using several styles of these pups.
I can't wait to see what everyone does with their doggies!

Sew Fresh Quilts

The EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long is quickly approaching and since my quilt was all bound, it was time
to take photos. I can't show the quilt until October 6th, but I can show where I went to take the pics.

It was about 88 degrees in the desert, but my trusty helper and I headed out to find the perfect spot.
It was really hot, but it looked pretty good here...

With a slight turn to the left, this was the other view...

Of course, we came across the usual mystery holes that I carefully avoided!

The hubby turned into a little boy again when he saw the hole. Bravely wearing his flip-flops,
he used a stick to poke and dig to see what was in there. Luckily, nothing jumped out to bite his toes!

Time to make more dog gone cute puppies!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Is Going And EQ7 Row-A-Long Is Coming

Seriously! Where did the Summer go?
I had such big sewing plans for this Summer, but I didn't quite get it all done.
It wasn't that I didn't do anything, I just overloaded my brain with ideas I wanted to make.

Maybe it was the pretty flowers in my yard that distracted me...

Or the stormy skies that just begged me to watch the rain fall from their clouds...

It could have been my son's pups that have faces only a mother/father could love...

Pretty faces and puppy breath also make me want to stop whatever I'm doing to watch...

Attack of the bull dogs!

I did take time to do some sewing for the EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long that starts September 1st.

There will be seasonal rows for you to choose from to make your own quilts, runners, or whatever.
You don't have to have EQ7 to participate!
The patterns were created in EQ7, but instructions will be available on each designer's blog.

To follow along on Facebook, there's a page just for us that you can join:
EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long public group

Wowzers! You can see all the sponsors and giveaways (there are lots of them) HERE.

I hope your Summer has been all you'd hoped it would be!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hearts All Quilted And Ready To Go

I finished the "Let Us Count The Ways We Love You" Quilt and it is now ready to go wrap up
a special person with all the love we have. The quilting is straight lines and the binding is blue.

The total size of the quilt is 54" x 68" and I added a little corner pocket on the back for love notes.

It was a beautiful day for taking pictures, even at 91 degrees!
The bad part was all the critter holes I had to avoid to get the quilt pic.
Yikes! Snakes, lizards, rats, or who-knows-what was living in those holes.
Luckily, the red rocks were especially beautiful so dodging creepy things was worth it!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...