Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Is Going And EQ7 Row-A-Long Is Coming

Seriously! Where did the Summer go?
I had such big sewing plans for this Summer, but I didn't quite get it all done.
It wasn't that I didn't do anything, I just overloaded my brain with ideas I wanted to make.

Maybe it was the pretty flowers in my yard that distracted me...

Or the stormy skies that just begged me to watch the rain fall from their clouds...

It could have been my son's pups that have faces only a mother/father could love...

Pretty faces and puppy breath also make me want to stop whatever I'm doing to watch...

Attack of the bull dogs!

I did take time to do some sewing for the EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long that starts September 1st.

There will be seasonal rows for you to choose from to make your own quilts, runners, or whatever.
You don't have to have EQ7 to participate!
The patterns were created in EQ7, but instructions will be available on each designer's blog.

To follow along on Facebook, there's a page just for us that you can join:
EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long public group

Wowzers! You can see all the sponsors and giveaways (there are lots of them) HERE.

I hope your Summer has been all you'd hoped it would be!


  1. I can't get over how much your son's dog looks like mine. I think it's the smile without the pointy teeth showing. I always think when Celie makes that face that she looks like the dogs in the commercial that have smiles where they look like they are wearing dentures. Definitely faces only moms and dads can love. Bully puppies are such adorable blobs. I wish them nothing but the slobbery best with the new addition.

  2. Sounds like fun, Carol. We haven't had much of a summer up here in Cape Breton, but it flew by just the same!

  3. Awe cute puppies. I have EQ7 but haven't had much time to play with it. More rows....

  4. Summer always goes too quickly, but it looks like it has been a good one for you.

  5. Hey Carol, this puppy looks so nice :-)))
    I just enrolled for the EQ7 Row-Along, I have the programm since years but I have to admit I do not use it a lot..... Hopefully it will soon change!
    Have a beautiful summer

  6. Oh my gosh, that flower is beautiful! I love the puppy, too!

  7. Summer is almost over? No!!!! (insert crying face here) So glad to be quilting along with you on the EQ7 blog hop, Carol. Only two weeks left... it will be starting soon! And the bull dogs.... now those faces are Dog Gone Cute!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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