Monday, April 30, 2012

And The Winner Is.....

Last night my sweet daughter pointed out to me that I never posted a congratulations message to the winner in my giveaway (other than the random generated number in the original post) so.....

She won this cute little charm pack, which has already been sent to her.

The Shiny Quilt

My life is pretty dull and uneventful, I'm kind of shy, I don't like too much attention directed towards me and I wear dark colors to avoid that attention, yet I'm thinking that I must have been some flamboyant diva in another life. Why else would I pick out such bright colors for some most of my quilts? My closet is full of bright fabrics (like Laurel Burch, whom I love!) Not complaining, just saying.....

I dropped my Laurel Burch fabric quilt (so shiny!) off at Quilted Works the other day to be quilted. Katelyn (she's so dang cute!) suggested gold thread which will make it even more shiny--love it! They are a busy place, so it could be quite a few weeks before this baby is back home with me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Out With The Blue

I was told it looked fine,
but it didn't matter.
I didn't like it, it bugged me,
and I couldn't move forward, so.....

...the two big blue blocks had to go. just feels better.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Couldn't Help Myself

Really? Do I need more fabric? NO! But, I couldn't help myself, really I couldn't. I saw that GREEN FAIRY QUILTS was having a sale (30% off) on their Jelly Rolls...and...and...I'd been wanting the brushed "Grow With Me" by Deb Strain (there are monkeys in it and I call my grandsons "Monkey Boys") to make a quilt-as-you-sew blanket for my grandson and/or my new grandbaby-to-be...and...and....did I say there were monkeys in it?....and...okay, I admit....

I need fabric therapy.

I clicked "Buy"
...yes, I did...
and I'm happy about it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who's Following Who?

Thank you to all who left comments on my table topper post. You are all amazingly kind and thoughtful to leave such sweet comments. I loved every minute of it!

I have totally enjoyed the blog hop, especially because I found some new and incredible blogs to follow. Getting Followers or having people leave comments is a real motivator in blogging. There's just something about knowing that people will be visiting that spurs us on to create, write, sew, photograph, cook, or whatever our blog is about.

I picked up a few followers to my blog and I am thankful to those who clicked that "Follow" button. I don't post very often and I'm not a pro quilter like most of those who participated in the hop, but I do love to sew and post my "creations" on my blog.





Monday, April 23, 2012

Table Toppers Hop

I'm loving this challenge to make table toppers (it's my first time entering one of these things.) I've been so excited and impressed at all the the mini's that everyone has made--I'm such an amateur compared to all of you! I've never made a quilt this small (12x14), so it took a while to figure out what I wanted to make. I even hand sewed the binding and hated every minute of it! It makes my hands hurt too much.

The first one I made--love the fabrics!

I do love my little quilt holder and just had to make
 a few more mini quilts to hang on it.

St. Patrick's mini

...and I just HAD to throw in a Ghastlie mini!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Little Ruffled

I had started making blocks from the Valentine fabric I had won on Madame Samm's blog, but just couldn't get into it. Sometimes shiny things or new fabrics distract me and I drop what I'm doing and start something new. One of these days I'll drag out all those unfinished quilty things and join a "Finish Friday" group or something. I'd love to clear out my closet to buy new fabric to clean things up a little.

Quilted Works was having a party all week for their anniversary, so of course I had to stop by, and of course I had to buy something (I love that store!) They had more of the the fabric I had won on sale, so I bought a bit more to make sure I had enough to do whatever it was I was going to do to finish the quilt.

Then I saw it!

There was a baby quilt displayed on the wall with ruffles that was just so dang cute. I knew I had to make a quilt with a ruffle. Since I rarely follow a pattern exactly (because I'm easily distracted or whatever), I started piecing some of the leftover pieces from the blocks I started, added a strip here and there, and then added a ruffle. A cute little ruffle. I love the ruffle!
It turned out like this
(and yes, I notice two blue blocks, too close together....ugh!)
I'll post it again once it is quilted and hopefully,
that cute little ruffle will show-up better.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow.....

....and then it is time for Madame Samm's Table Topper Blog HOP. Whoohoo! I'm pretty excited to see what everyone has whipped up for this HOP and find more quilty blogs to visit. My table toppers will show-up here on Monday, April 23rd, along with a mini giveaway. I'm new to these mini-quilts and am so hooked on them! Thanks Madame Samm for putting together this lovely HOP!

Here's the schedule:
Just click on a name and
it will take you to the BlogHop-of-the-day!

Monday April 16th

Tuesday April 17th

Wednesday April 18th

Thursday April 19th

Friday April 20th

Monday April 23rd
Just Carol

Tuesday April 24th

Wednesday April 25th

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I've been wanting to make a two color quilt, so I bought some bright green and plain black charm packs from Green Fairy Quilts. The pictures don't quite do justice to how pretty a green it really is. Having seen this fun and easy technique on making triangles, I thought I'd attempt them. I love it!
Put two squares right-sides together and
sew around all four edges.
Cut corner to corner and then
corner to corner the other direction.
Open up each cut triangle to get these cute
little blocks--iron them open.
Arrange the squares in a pattern of your liking--I
like it this way for this quilt.
Now I just need to sew all those little blocks
together, which may take a while.

To be continued...hopefully...with a finished quilt. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...