Friday, April 27, 2012

Couldn't Help Myself

Really? Do I need more fabric? NO! But, I couldn't help myself, really I couldn't. I saw that GREEN FAIRY QUILTS was having a sale (30% off) on their Jelly Rolls...and...and...I'd been wanting the brushed "Grow With Me" by Deb Strain (there are monkeys in it and I call my grandsons "Monkey Boys") to make a quilt-as-you-sew blanket for my grandson and/or my new grandbaby-to-be...and...and....did I say there were monkeys in it?....and...okay, I admit....

I need fabric therapy.

I clicked "Buy"
...yes, I did...
and I'm happy about it!


  1. are SO weak! Good for you though. Someone must keep this economy going in the right direction. That looks like a fun roll to play with.

  2. Retail Therapy... What a fabulous feeling!

  3. Hello Just Carol: Saw that you were following me, and just had to hop on over and give you a visit and like you, I do not need more fabric, but cannot resist buying what hits me. I am thinking about starting a FA group (Fabirc Anonymous)you are only allowed to buy fabric every 3 months as needed. Hope to finish that picture quilt by this Friday and grandkids, work, and my sick mother will allow. Keep in touch, I will be reading you.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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