Sunday, February 25, 2024

April Showers Blog Hop Sign-Ups With Joan

Joan at Moosestash Quilting just dropped a blog hop challenge for April that is sure to
leave us soaked and dripping with some inspiring and creative "shower" ideas. 


 Late snow showers, rain showers, baby showers, wedding showers. 
What do you like to shower everyone with?

Email her if you want to play along!

March's blog hop challenge will have our brains whirling with things to sew!


Somewhere in or on your project you must include a "whirl".
This can be a pinwheel, Dresden, or anything that looks like it's spinning.
Maybe a merry-go-round or Ferris wheel in the fabric?

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Moose Is Loose And Ready For Love

This month's blog hop, "It Moose Be Love" is perfect for the queen of moose things.
Joan at Moosestash Quilting is hosting this blog hop and she has so many "queen" talents.
She's also the queen of wicked, applique, and tiny quilt pieces, but today it's all about the moose.

Joan's challenge to us: 

Show us what you LOVE. Moose of course are optional.

With February being the month of "LOVE", my moose project was really feeling it.
He's pink and full of love!

The Big Pink Moose
50" x 70"

Fabrics used: Benartex New Hue and Superior Solids

There has been so many fabulous moose and love projects this week, so
be sure to visit them all so you don't miss anything. 

Blog hoppers to visit and see their moose love:

The next blog hop will be hosted by me and there is still time to sign up.
Let me know if you want to play along.


Somewhere in or on your project you must include a "whirl".
This can be a pinwheel, Dresden, or anything that looks like it's spinning.
Maybe a merry-go-round or Ferris wheel in the fabric?

Monday, February 19, 2024

It Moose Be Love Starts Today

"It Moose Be Love" starts today!
It's hosted by the queen of moose herself, Joan, at Moosestash Quilting.

 Blog hoppers to visit and see their moose love:

The next blog hop will be hosted by me and there is still time to sign up.
Let me know if you want to play along.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Cackling Stitches 2024 February BOM

 It's time for another Cackling Stitches block for Bona Lisa's Sweater Emporium.
Check it  out!



Bona Lisa

Carol at Just Let Me Quilt
Repulsive Ruffled Sweater

Bona's "In Vest"


Carol at Just Let Me Quilt
Kickin'-It'-Up Boots

Ye Ole Homestead

It's amazing how different it can look with other fabrics.

Do you want to join in the BOM fun? Check out our Facebook page HERE.

How does our Bona Lisa's Sweater Emporium BOM work? 

It runs from January 1st through August 31st. 

All block releases happen on our Cackling Stitches Facebook page HERE.

We even give you the fabric requirements early to help you conjure/gather your fabrics.
You can find it HERE.

It's not a mystery BOM. We show you each of our finished quilts!

On the first day of each month, we release a block pattern (sometimes it's more than one)
 that is free for the entire calendar month. After that, those blocks go into our individual 
ETSY shops where you can purchase them for $2 each. 

New and free block(s) then appear for the new month...and so on, and so on.

Beginning January 1st, the ENTIRE pattern is available in each of our ETSY shops for $15.
We've had so many people ask us if they can buy the whole thing at once, so we decided to go for it.
If you can't wait for each block release or you don't have a Facebook page, this is for you!

We hope you appreciate the time we put into creating this BOM and understand that we keep
 the costs to a minimum for you. We ask that you respect our copyrights and do not share the 
pattern with others. You're welcome to direct your friends to our Cackling Stitches Group 
Facebook or any of our ETSY shops so they can get their own patterns starting January 1st.

Just Let Me Quilt Etsy Store HERE.

Moosestash Quilting Blog HERE.
Moosestash Quilting Etsy Store HERE.

Creatin' in the Sticks Blog HERE.
Creatin' in the Sticks Etsy Store HERE.

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...