Sunday, January 31, 2016

It's In Our Garden Blog Hop Time

February 1st is Amy's turn to share her two amazing In Our Garden blog hop blocks.
What a fun way to kick of the month!

Here's the scoop:

This is a Block on the Month (BOM) blog hop.

There will be 11 different bloggers who will share their patterns with 
you for free during the month that the pattern is been released. 

Two blocks will be released on the first day of each month.
One will be an applique pattern and one will be a pieced pattern. 

There will be giveaways, too, from amazing sponsors!

Sounds like fun, doesn't it!

There's even a Facebook group page to share what you make

February 1st
March 1st
Carol – Just Let Me Quilt
April 1st
May 1st
June 1st
July 1st
August 1st
September 1st
October 1st
November 1st
December 1st
January 1st
Amy – Sew Incredibly Crazy– Final Blocks and wrap up

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Little Sheep Is Quilted

I love when I get the phone call from Quilted Works letting me know one of my quilts is ready
for pick-up. Yesterday was the "Little Sheep" is quilted phone call...yay!

It still needs binding, but I love, love, love the quilting on this one...looks like fluffy clouds!
That bright green minky was perfect for this, too.

It always amazes me how much some beautiful quilting can add dimension to a quilt.
Thanks to Cathy and Julie for helping choose the quilt pattern and doing all the hard work! 
I love it! They always know just the right design and thread to make my quilts look amazing.

Thanks to Deonn for this cute pattern!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Creating An Instagram Photo Quilt

I know a very sweet girl who is on an adventure of a lifetime and posting her photos on Instagram
has allowed all of us to be a part of her excitement. After creating the friendship pillow with
Therm O Web's Transfer Sheets, I had a BIG idea on how to make her a wonderful memory keeper...


I'm taking her pics from Instagram (with her permission, of course) and making her a quilt with 
the photos of her hanging out with friends like Snow White, Belle, Ariel, Prince Charming,
Cinderella and more. It is so fun putting this together and the transfer sheets are really easy to use.
I've been into hearts a lot, so Heat N Bond Lite came to the rescue for adding all the red lovelies.

Here's a few steps on how I got those photos onto the fabric:

This is what I used for printing the photos:

I used Microsoft Word for printing my pics because it allowed me to flip the pictures before printing,
plus it has a spot where I could make the photos exactly the size I needed them to be.

I ran a transfer sheet through my ink jet printer with the pics I wanted to use.
My pics were 4.5" x 4.5" to fit on the 5" x 5" white fabric squares I was using. 
Making the pics 4.5" x 4.5" made sure I'd have a 1/4" seam allowance for sewing.

Following the package directions, I pressed the transfer sheet pic onto the white fabric square.
I made sure to flip the pics before printing (I had a few "whoops" ones where I forgot.)

After removing the printed transfer sheet liner from the fabric, I used the included 
pressing sheet to finish setting the photo into the fabric. 

I loved how bright this one was!
The quality of the photos makes a big difference on how they look on the fabric.
I darkened a few of the photos to ensure deeper colors.

After letting it cool, I was ready to sew!
Such a beautiful Ariel! be continued.
I have a bit more sewing to do on this quilt and then I'll share it.
Just a little lot excited about it!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Celebrating Friendship With ThermOWeb

I'm over at Therm O Web's blog today sharing what I made using
Transfer sheets aren't just for ironing a decal on a t-shirt like we did in the olden days. 
Print off a quote and a graphic and you can personalize almost anything.
They are so fun and easy to use...I loved them and can't wait to use them again!
You can find the instructions HERE in my Craftsy store.

Celebrate Friendship!

"A true friend ignores your weeds and loves your flowers."

My friend, Brenda, has ignored my weeds for over 30 years.
Thanks, Brenda!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Some Valentine Quilt Sewing Happening Here

With the Nuts About ? Blog Hop coming soon, I've been busy creating ideas in my head
and finally sewing something together. I can tell you it will be a Valentine quilt, but I can't tell 
you what I'm nuts about or show you what I'm sewing for the hop. Not until February 5th anyway.
Besides, I'm nuts about too many things to list them all here!

I can show you a little snippet, though.

I'm using First Crush by Sweetwater for Moda fabrics. Such fun fabrics!
I bought them at Quilted of my favorite local stores.
 Appliqueing those hearts with Therm-O-Web's Heat N Bond Lite adhesive
was just the best ever. I love how the back peels off so easy!

HeatnBond Lite

I've also started gathering fabrics for In My Garden Blog Hop. I'll be using fabrics
from the Riley Blake basics. I'm going with some funky colors for this project. Fun!

As for the weather...
We had about 10 flakes of snow here (okay, maybe a few more) but nothing stuck to the ground.
Guess I won't be building a snowman today so I'll go sew. Sounds good to me!

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Little Lamb Is Off To Be Quilted

My little lamb quilt is completed enough to be quilted with cute little daisies. 
The back will be a bright green cuddle fabric...soft and sweet!

It still needs some added hexagon things on top of the hexagons,
but those can be hand sewn on after the quilting is done.
Deonn's pattern offers a second pose of the sheep and a different facial expression.
I chose the second face and used my therm-o-web Heat n Bond to do the applique.
I love how easy it is to use!

You can make Deonn's pattern from can find it HERE in her Etsy shop.

I've been busy getting creating a couple blocks for the "In Our Garden" blog hop.
My turn is February 1st...I'm so excited to share what I created!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Little Quilt Retreat With Deonn

I've been a bit lazy about sewing lately, but today I went to a quilt retreat where
Deonn from Quiltscapes was teaching. We sewed from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m....I'm exhausted!
Deonn had us sewing half hexies and making some little origami looking things.
She's so patient and was even willing to use the ripper to fix a few a lot of my mistakes!

The class was for Deonn's cute sheep quilt that was published in Quiltmaker.
Cute, cute, cute...just like Deonn!

Phone cameras aren't the best, especially mine, but being with this sweet lady was
worth taking a picture about. She was fun and I learned so many things. Thanks, Deonn!

I still need to finish the quilt, but it's close to being done. Love it!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...