Update: We've had such an incredible response from people all over the world (well over 100!) to participate in our Bowls with Borders Blog Hop, so we've added a few extra days to fit everyone in. It just gets more and more exciting by the minute!
AND there's now a button! Whoohoo!
Go head over to see Madame Samm and pick-up that cute little thing.
Madame Samm at SewWeQuilt has shown her creative side, AGAIN, and come up with a fun blog hop for us...AND...I get to host it! Wow!
Check out her blog for photos of her Bowls With Borders project (it's amazing, of course) and then come join in and play with us!
(Check for German translation below)
Send me an email letting me know you want
to play (my email address is over there on the right.)
I'll will start posting a list of participants on June 30th to
let you all know the day you'll need to have your bowls
ready to serve-up on your blog (or my blog), but
you have until July 7th to send me an email saying you
want to play with the rest of us bowl-crazy quilters.
We reached our limit, so watch for the link to
buy the pattern from Regina.
The Bowls With Borders will start popping up
on the blogs from
August 13th to August 21st.
The free pattern for these little bowls will be available ONLY to those who participate in the blog hop and will be emailed to you after July 1st by Regina, the designer of these cute bowls. Regina makes beautiful paper piecing patterns and has so graciously let us use the bowl pattern for free (if you play along with us.) Thanks, Regina!
Those of you who just want to watch the fun and/or sew later will be given the link to the designer of these cute bowls on July 1st and you can purchase the pattern directly from her.
You want to join in the Bowls With Borders but don't have a blog? No problem! Just let me know you want to play and I'll post your bowls right here. Just let me know and we'll work out the details.
Ready to play? I am!
Regina so kindly translated this into German:
Hier ist der Weg zu Madamme Samms Schälchenstapel
und weiteren Informationen
Wenn Du teilnehmen willst, schicke mir eine Email an soswift6@aol.com. Schreibe Deinen Namen und Emailadresse hinein und – sofern vorhanden – Deine Blog-Adresse. Anmeldeschluss ist der 7. Juli.
Der Blog Hop mit den entstandenen Arbeiten wird von 13. bis 21. August laufen.
Das kostenlose Muster für die kleinen Schälchen wird nur für die Teilnehmerinnen des Blog Hops gratis erhältlich sein. Es wird Dir direkt von Regina, der Designerin, zugeschickt. Regina macht wunderbare paper piecing Muster und spendet großzügigerweise das Schälchenmuster für die Teilnehmer dieser Aktion. Danke, Regina!
Wer erst einmal lieber nur zuschauen möchte und später doch einen Schälchenstapel nähen möchte, kann den gesamten Musterbaukasten direkt bei Regina erwerben. Den Link teile ich später mit.
Du möchtest mitmachen und hast keinen Blog? Kein Problem! Melde Dich an mit „I have no blog“ und Deine Bilder werden ersatzweise hier veröffentlicht werden. Details später.
Bereit für ein Spiel? Ich bin’s!
AND...Madame Samm created a little bowl just for me.
Thank You!