Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Little Progress

No star on my forehead for a job-well-done since I'm so behind on just about everything I joined. I have been busy, though, and have gotten this far:

The Red, White, and Blue blocks are piling up (not a huge pile, just a little stack.) I keep changing my mind on which ones I like, which ones I don't like, and which ones need to be given to the dogs to play with. I can't show any of them until July 3rd, MY DAY, over at the Blog Hop at Jane's place. Madame Samm has teased us with her blocks--funny lady--and Jane is flashing just her fabric.

The Zig Zag Quilt Along is coming along and just needs the borders to complete this week's assignment. Not sure the zigging and zagging is as distinct as it should be, but I like the colors (which aren't showing up here as well as I'd like them to. The red is actually more orangy.)
One more block of the month--really slow on this project.
I'm loving how motivational these projects have been!


  1. ohhhh these are this block you do that lol

    1. Amy Gibson at Craftsy has a BOM class-free-that teaches some fun things I've never done (and some I already know.)


Comments are always appreciated!

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