Tuesday, June 5, 2012

January Block-Of-The-Month Blocks

I've had this fabric, Moda's Sonnet Collection by April Cornell, sitting in a plastic container for several years. Since I have so much, it will work out perfectly for this block-of-the month practice project. Buried in that stash of fabric was a quilt I'd started, but never finished. Maybe I'll finish that one when I'm done with this BOM project. The fabric has kind of 60ish colors in it like the oranges and browns, which is okay just not my favorite--yet.

The January Block of the Month from Amy Gibson
Wonky Pound Sign Block

The Asterisk Block

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T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...