Saturday, June 9, 2012

Charlie Brown?

It wasn't suppose to look like a Charlie Brown quilt, but that's what my husband says it looks like. He's right (just this one time.) Thank goodness for my cheesy design wall, because this thing has made my eyes go crazy trying to keep things going the right direction. It's been slow going (started this in April) with the little squares for this and I've changed them all around dozens of times before starting to put them together. I just want it off my wall so I can move on to other "shiny objects" and all those join-in things I got myself into.

It's getting closer to the finish....whew!
The colors don't photograph to their true color at all--dang!

1 comment:

  1. Don't know about you but I'm off to take a headache pill, I can't see straight! lol


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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