Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Hop Continues...And So Does My Giveaway

I've been wow'd by all the talented quilters out there who have participated in the current blog hops.
Seriously, who would have thought there were so many ways to make doorstops!

My Bella dog really wants to chew the heck out of her "twin" doorstop, so
for now it has to make itself at home on a shelf. 

See, she's eyeing it...silly dog!

Today's blog hoppers will be showing what they made with their
She Who Sews fabric from Quilting Treasures.
January 31

Grow Your Blog is still rolling along over at 2 Bags Full with tons of blogs to be visited.
2 Bags Full

Here's where you can find my Grow Your Blog post and GIVEAWAY.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Don't Let The Doorstop Hit Me...Ouch!

Two, YES two, blog hops happening!

You can find both schedules

Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt continues to share her creative ideas and encourage us
to try new things...Thank You, Madame!

 Carla of Creatin' in the Sticks is juggling two hops at once 
and doing an amazing job of keeping us on track...thanks Carla!

Having doorstops in my house wasn't a high priority, but this blog hop
got me started on something new and totally fun. I now have two doorstops!

This doorstop was inspired by my own Bella dog and a pattern found HERE.
She has huge ears for such a little dog!

"Bella Boo"

"Chick Stop"
This one weighs a ton and is filled with aquarium rocks and Polyfil.
It's perfect for holding my door open in the kitchen.

You can keep track of all the amazing creations here:

Look who's hopping today with me:

January 30th

Just Let Me Quilt

Quilted Delights


Hill Valley Quilter

Pampered Pettit

Life in the Scrapatch

Seams To Be Sew

Just in case you're interested...
I have a giveaway-in-progress going on over
HERE if you'd like to check it out.

Thanks for stopping by!
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
(No worries about that happening now that I have two doorstops.)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Two Blog Hops, Double The Fun!




 SHE WHO SEWS Blog Hop Schedule

January 27th
 Joy Studio

January 29th

January 31

February 4th

February 6th


January 28th
 threads on my socks
 How ART you?
 Den syende himmel
 Moosestash Quilting
 life, quilts and a cat too

January 30th
Just Let Me Quilt
 Quilted Delights
Hill Valley Quilter
Pampered Pettit
Life in the Scrapatch
Seams To Be Sew

February 3rd
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Marjorie's Busy Corner
Shepody Mountain Crafter
Lydsfire Sewing
Creatin' in the Sticks

February 5th
More Stars in Comanche
 Buzzing and Bumbling
 Sew and Sow Farm
 Purl Buttons Blog
 Carretel E Agulha
The Quilting Queen
Pig Tales and Quilts

February 7th
Pickles Quilting
Made by Me in Red
A Passion for Applique
Living With Purpose
Tipsy Teacup Creations
Sew We Quilt

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm Thinking Of A Ruffled Blog Hop...Are You?

There's a new blog hop in the works and it's all about

Sew We Quilt has me dreaming of every imaginable way to 
add a ruffle to something or anything. Really, I have SO many ideas!

Don't you want to join in the fun!
The Sew Incredibly Crazy Amy will be cheering us on for this one,
so check the rules on how to join HERE,
then hurry and email Amy to be part of the ruffles hop!

AND...more hops coming soon!


I have a giveaway going on for Vicki's Grow Your Blog event HERE.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog

2 Bags Full

If this is your first visit...WELCOME!
If you've been here before...WELCOME BACK!

This is a great opportunity to find new blogs and be inspired!
A special thanks goes to Vicki from 2 Bags Full who is hosting this amazing party.
Be sure to check out her blog for the list of bloggers participating.

So who am I and what to I do on my blog?


My name is Carol and I blog here at Just Let Me Quilt.

My blog name came about because I worked full-time,
took care of an elderly lady, had a busy life as a mom and grandma,
and all I wanted to do was have more time to quilt.
I'm retired now, so I finally have more time to play with my sewing machine...yay!

A few things I love:

Quilting and sewing

Blog hopping with Madame Samm at

Snuggling with my Monkey Boys (grandsons)

Playing with my two dogs

Working on my family history

Writing and answering emails

I'm so glad you stopped by!
In fact, I'm so happy you're here that I'm having a...

One charm pack and one yard of Moda's Surrounded by Love fabric.

The rules...
  1. Leave a two word comment...short and sweet works for me!
  2. It can be mailed anywhere...yes, even to the other side of the world.
  3. Since this about growing our blogs, becoming a Follower would be sweet.
  4. Giveaway ends at 5 p.m. PST on February 15thEntries after 5 p.m. PST on February 15th will not be included in the giveaway.
  5. THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you aren't sure whether or not you are a no reply blogger, LEAVE ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS...pretty please! You can't win if I can't contact you!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Ghastlie Dresden Is Quilted

I got my Dresden quilt back from Quilted Works who did a great job quilting it, as usual.
The back has black minky on it which will be warm and snuggly next Halloween.

Dresdenlie Ghastlie

I love the quilted flowers!

Meet my new doll, Frankie Stein, from Monster High...Ghouls Rule!

When I saw this type of doll on a post at Freemotion by the River...I HAD to have one!

While I waited for it to be quilted, I prepared the binding and then stored it on
these old fashioned clothespins. It rolls up so nice and neat!

Last weekend one of my daughter's came to visit and sewed herself a quilt.
It was fun teaching her some tricks about sewing and quilting.

I rolled her binding, too!

Grow Your Blog starts on January 25th!
Lots and lots of new blogs to check out and I'll be having a giveaway, too.
2 Bags Full

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wake Up! There's A Winner!

I'm sorry to see the Wake Up To Kona blog hop end.
I'm going to miss this little cup on my blog each day!

Every morning was a blast of creativity that made me want to
sew, sew, sew...and more sew those beautiful Robert Kaufman Kona solids.

Thank You to all of you who stretched your imagination to come up with
so many works of art...really, they were masterpieces!

Thank You to all of you who visited and left such sweet comments.
They truly made my day!

Michele T.
(An email has been sent to her)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Kona, EQ7, Grow Your Blog, And Other Stuff

I was in totally drool-mode just looking at all the projects made with 
Kona solids in the Wake Up To Kona Blog Hop.
It's been one of my favorite blog hops (I know, I say that every time.)

We still have a few more days left of the Wake Up To Kona Hop and then we'll be off and running with more fun hops.

Last year I bought EQ7 software during a really good sale...then didn't use it. I happened upon a retreat, Quilt St. George 2014, and was so excited (really, I was SO excited) because I saw that Annie from was teaching classes about Electric Quilt software. I got to go to three classes...loved it!

Oh boy, oh boy!

It was so cool...not that I'm magically good at it now, but I learned a lot. Plus, I came home with all these really cool gifts, samples, and books!

While visiting my favorite blogs I came across info on this fun blog party, Grow Your Blog. I signed up (did you?) I can't wait to find new blogs, meet new bloggers, and have a few visitors stop by my blog. Vicki at 2 Bags Full will be hosting this incredible event. Be sure to check it out! Oh, and...

I'll be having a G-I-V-E-A-W-A-Y!

2 Bags Full

I picked up my sewing machine today and now it's totally fixed. Yay!
It's a good thing, because look what blog hops are coming really SOON!

See you Monday for more of Wake Up To Kona!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...