Monday, January 6, 2014

Wake Up To Kona Day One AND My Day

+ Two Extra Days (20th and 21st!)

What a great and amazing combination for a blog hop:

Amanda Murphy

Robert Kaufman Kona



Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt!

Amanda Murphy's new book, Color Essentials, is just full of fun and creative ideas for quilts.

There are lots of really beautiful patterns.
Her directions are clear and precise.
The photos are gorgeous.
The ideas she shares are so helpful. I gushing a little too much?
Well, so be it because I just loved her book!

In case you've never heard this from me before, I'm just awful at following patterns. With that little problem hanging over me, I took on the challenge and picked out one pattern from the book to follow exactly. Guess what...I did it!

"Make an easy, unique quilt using just one fat quarter bundle.
Change the background fabric to create a unique look."

I used my fat quarter bundle of Sunset Kona by Robert was gorgeous! 
The colors are so vibrant and the purple in it was a wonderful bonus for me. 

Once my quilt top was finished, off it went to Quilted Works for them to do their beautiful work. 
They used a geometric design and a very light purple thread.


The back of my Kona quilt

A view of the stitching

With some leftover pieces of fabric from the fat quarter bundle, I made a simple baby quilt and did some embroidery quilting on it using my machine's embroidery module. It was such a fun way to finish a quilt!

Look who else is hopping today...hurry, go check them out and see what they made with Kona!

Look what the sponsors shared for the Wake Up to Kona Blog Hop!
(Amanda Murphy, Robert Kaufman, and Aurafil)
Check out the whole scoop on giveaways and the hop over at


  1. What a beautiful take on Iridescence. Those purples are so vibrant. Thanks for hosting this hop!

  2. It is midnight here, I turned off my sewing room lights to give my tired eyes some rest and thought, "Oh, I will just take a quick peek at the hop before sleep.'
    Now I am wide awake! Your colorful post certainly woke me up! I love the pattern that you chose. It looks great in both colorways. The quilting on your quilt is a very complimentary to the pattern.
    Your extra little quilt is so pretty and your quilting motifs add so much to this design.

    Now that I am awake ... time to go enjoy the other creations.

    Thanks, Carol, for cheering and getting this hop off to a wonderful start! ... :) Pat

  3. Love your quilt, and the colors are great. Color of the year!!

  4. Great job, Carol. It is a wonderful quilt, well both of them are wonderful. I do love the quilting on both. Ooh, la, la. Thanks for organizing and all your hard work on the hop.

  5. Love your Kona quilts! I love the pattern you chose. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Fabulous quilts, I find the blues turn out a really pretty quilt...and a snuggly baby quilt to boot! Love the embroidery you used!

  7. Brilliant, great, what should I say more? The bundle has been put perfectly in scene!!! I love the book too, just started a new Kona project, can't stop, but this time more slowly, smile

  8. Carol, Oh What a delightful project! I have to put this book on my wishlist!!! You have certainly gotten this hop off to a wonderful start, thank you so much for sharing.

  9. Your quilts are beautiful and I'm very jealous of your quilting skills. =)

    dezertsuz at gmail

  10. What a start to the Kona Day!! I have been trying to get some of our students to try quilting with their embroidery modules - this looks wonderful.

  11. Your quilt is gorgeous Carol. I love those colours!

  12. Love your quilts! The embroidery on the baby quilt is so cute!

  13. Your quilts are gorgeous! I love the colors and I really like the geometric quilting design. I use my embroidery for quilting small quilts a lot. It adds such a wonderful touch! Oh, and by the way. Your quilt just sealed the deal for me. I'm going to have to buy that book. :-) Thanks for sharing your creations with us today.

  14. The colors make me wish for Summer so can't wait for those longer sunny days to come!

  15. My, my! I do live those colors! And that pattern was thr perfect choice! Great job :)

  16. Love your quilts very much, they aré so vibrant and colourful

  17. I absolutely love both of your quilts - they are gorgeous :-)

  18. You have used some beautiful "Sunset" colours in your quilt! Lovely!

  19. Thank you for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

    Absolutely beautiful quilt.


  20. Carol I LOVE your colors for these quilts!!!So joyfully springy and refreshing on this bitterly cold morning!!! :)
    Carol a.k.a Beulah

  21. Such a beautiful and vibrant the colors

  22. You made a bright and cheerful quilt with the Kona Sunrise. Love your quilt.

  23. The Kona colors of the quilts; outstanding!!

  24. What a lovely quilt! I have yet to work with all solids. May have to change that.

  25. The quilt turned out gorgeous. The colors, and pattern are wonderful, and the quilting just adds to it.

  26. Your quilts are sew beautiful. I love them both. And the quilting is amazing.I have a bundle Sunrise sitting on my table and the book at home, which I love, but I haven´t sewn anything from that book yet, but I have picked a favorite,which I will make after this blog hop.

  27. Absolutely stunning…in fact I think I like it just as much in sunset…and your photos are picture perfect..wayyyy to go Carol

  28. I love love your creation, absolutely beautiful.

  29. What a lovely quilt....I think you should call it seems to be a theme!

  30. Fabulous quilts Carol. They all look very modern and the Kona as usual makes them pop.

  31. Gorgeous quilts. I've only used solids as accents - will have to be more adventurous. Thanks.

  32. Good morning
    I can only leave good comments because waking up to quilting and yours especially is wonderful.

  33. Lovely. You are making me want to buy another book!

  34. Wow, the quilt is beautiful! Love the pattern with the simple, clean lines. An all solids quilt is definitely on my to-do list.

  35. Good for you! Thats a great looking quilt. I really like your baby one too :)

  36. Wonderful job Carol. I too have the problem. Glad you were able to overcome yours. Your quilt is lovely.

  37. So vibrant! Just what we need to see this winter - a splash of colour. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Beautiful Carol!! I love the colors you used for your quilts. Your embroidery quilting is really sweet on the baby quilt too.

  39. Woo what a gorgeous quilt in the colours you chose! I may have to get this book :)

  40. Very, very beautiful quilt! Such happy colors!

  41. I'm just like you with patterns. Can't resist the urge to improvise, but you did a beautiful job on this quilt. I love it.

  42. Fabulous quilts! You've used my favorite color combinations and I also love the pattern that you chose. It really highlights the fabrics and the quilting lines. Great job!!

  43. All the Konas are beautiful but the purples are my favorite.

  44. gorgeous quilt! I am loving solids these days

  45. I love the quilt. I love using solids, but to us nothing but solids scares me sometimes.

  46. Wow both quilts are gorgeous, fantastic job!

  47. Oh carol! what a wonderful quilt to start us off! Blessings, Marlene

  48. Beautiful quilt!! Thanks for the chance to win!!


  49. not being much of a solid lover, you sure do make solids "pop". I might give them a try

  50. Thank you, Carol, for making this blog hop happen. Amanda's design looks great on your chosen color palette. It's great to see the same design made in different colors.

  51. Oh Carol, they are beautiful! Perfect winter colors... the quilting on Iridescence is great, but I especially love your embroidery machine quilting! Thanks for the inspiration and organizing this fun hop!

  52. What a great way to show off those pretty colors. Both quilts are awesome

  53. oops I commented on the wrong post, lovely quilt!!

  54. The colors of your quilt are so vibrant and the quilting is awesome. thanks for the great giveaway.

  55. Love your photography, Carol! You did a great job on the quilting of the quilts you made. Thanks for joining the hop!

  56. I do love the quilting on both. The color combo is gorgeous

  57. I love your quilts! Never thought you could get two quilts out of a fat quarter bundle. Awesome job, Carol.

  58. This is going to be a great hop to get both ideas, and, see some wonderful eye candy. Best way to start the new year off and running.

  59. Ohh,so pretty! I love the purples and the greens in your fabric bundle. Thanks for sharing and hosting! vickise at gmail dot com

  60. Love your quilt! I'm a big fan of solids so this new book looks like it is right up my alley.
    alibear167 at gmail

  61. You did very very good Carol. Love them both. I've been playing with the stitches on my machine too, it's fun isn't it !

  62. Great job of the kona quilt. Love this hop already.

  63. Rosemary B here:
    OH Carol. Why are you living out there?
    Why are you not living right here next door to ME?
    I am never in bloggie land now. Getting mom and dad settled, still many many miles before I sew regularly.
    I love your quilt, I love the baby quilt and I love you, and miss you and sewing quilt blog hops that inspire me.
    Love always

  64. Beautiful quilts. I love the bundle you used.

  65. Loved your quilt. This is going to be a great hop!

  66. It's a gorgeous quilt. The colours are fabulous!

  67. Carol. Just gorgeous! How fun to play with such big pieces of those solids. I have to say . . . solids grow on you. And when they get quilted as in yours, they really are awesome! Love it all.

  68. Carol, your quilt is beautiful! Wow!

  69. Once again another beauty! Love the colors and the stitching on the baby quilt is so nice!

  70. Both of your Kona quilts are lovely. Great job! Cyndy.

  71. OMGosh I just love the quilt you did. Love the purples and green shades together. I am going to do one for my daughter but throw in some navy to match her house.

  72. I love your quilt Carol - fabulous colours!

  73. Here it is...short and sweet.
    Beautiful colors, beautiful quilt and great job!

  74. OMG! Those are gorgeous quilts. I love the solid colors.

  75. They are both pretty but I love the baby quilt!

  76. Just love those colors. Wonderful quilt.

  77. Wow, both quilts look great! Maks me think of a "Mommy and Me" set!!!

  78. What a beautiful quilt!!!!
    Great job! The baby quilt is sweet with the machine emb on it:)

  79. Your Iridescence in sunset is gorgeous, Carol! But I am in love with that sweet baby quilt. Lovin' that pieced border and the embroidery motif was a clever choice for quilting. Both quilts are beautiful!

  80. Carol I am so impressed! First your quilt(s)is gorgeous and second because you did follow directions and see you could do it! Of course while I can follow directions, I do like to make changes in things I make so I don't ever follow directions to a T. Love your photo scenery background too. You have already given that other lady a run for her money, lol!!!

  81. wow your quilts are gorgeous. the colors you put together are great. I love the baby quilt machine top quilting. Thanks for a chance.

  82. Loved your quilt! So pretty and fresh.

  83. Just beautiful Carol! And I really love the baby quilt, it is simple as you said, but the quilting adds so much to it. Thank you for hosting this hop, I'm very excited to see the rest of the creations.

  84. Carol you did a wonderful job. I love, love what you did. Your pictures are wonderful as well. Shows the quilt off well.

  85. I think your two quilts came out GREAT! That first one--fresh and modern without being cold. Good job! I would have hesitated to put the purple in a baby quilt and yet, it makes the quilt so it could be gifted to male or female. I love purple, but I never thought it would still "pass" as masculine or neuteral.

  86. An absolutely beautiful Kona quilt - the colors are gorgeous! I love your photograph and the contrast between the landscape and the rich quilt!

  87. I love the embroidery on the second blanket, such a nice way to add a little something to a quilt.

  88. i love your quilt! of course when you use kona solids, you just cannot go wrong. thank you for a great giveaway.

  89. Beautiful! Love the bright green boarder. Thanks for hosting this hop....

  90. I love your quilts as they have some of my favorite colors in them. It reminds me of the ocean and warm weather. Also love the quilting, sets the design off perfectly.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. So fresh and beautiful to look at

  93. Kudos for following the pattern ... that's hard to do. I always seem to change something too. Your quilts are fabulous. Love the super bright, happy colors and, of course, your photography. Congratulations on being a top pick today.

  94. You did a beautiful job as usual... I don't know how you found the time during the holidays!

  95. Wow, that is a nice quilt. The colors are beautiful.

  96. Your Iridescence quilt is gorgeous in the colors you chose! And love the baby quilt.... I have seen those modules for embroidery and should try one sometime. (was yours an Anita Gooddesign? just wondering)


  97. My nice comment for you is how thankful I am to have a nice warm house today here in western New York, suburb of Buffalo, with blizzard conditions and travel bans everywhere!!

  98. Fabulous as usual, Carol! Love both your quilts. Would love to hear more about using your embroidery machine for quilting. Take Care!

  99. Ohhhh....Nicely done! Not that I am surprised. You are one talented quilter. =)

  100. Wonderful kickoff presentation. Great quilts. so vibrant.

  101. Wow, what great quilts! The quilting is fab!

  102. Ohhhh what warm and cozy colors! It's toss up if the quilt or the warm desert view is more gorgeous. Especially for those in the mid part of the country dealing with the Polar Vortex! :-)

  103. I like them! Great color play and fun quilting.

  104. Fun projects! I love that first pattern and the colors and quilting make it even better!

  105. I really like those colors and the way it is stitched, thanks.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  106. I love the quilt. I thought the unique quilting in the light purple topped it off. Wonderful job! I'm proud of you for following the directions. I, too, have the same issue of not wanting to follow directions. I love doing my own thing!

    I love your blog. You are now on my favorite blogs list. Looking forward to reading more.

  107. What gorgeous colors and I love the way you put them together.
    t_ktl at

  108. The color story you used is just beautiful!! And for not reading patterns well you did a fabulous job! I love your quilt ~ and the baby one is an extra bonus! ♥

  109. Love the color bundle you chose. Beautiful quilts (as always).

  110. Love the color bundle you chose. Beautiful quilts (as always).

  111. Hi Carol,
    great Job!!!! Wonderful Quilts and quilting. I love them both!Thank you for sharing.

  112. LOVE the quilt you made!!! I eye that bundle every day at work....and seeing your quilt is making it harder to resist buying temptation. ;)

  113. I will be dreaming in colour during this blog hop!! Thanks for hosting a beautiful event!!

  114. Wow. You have done a fantastic job. I love those bright colors . A great idea for the leftovers as wel. The bay quilt is awesome.

  115. Beautiful job and that book looks amazing!

  116. Iridescence! color is all! exciting quilt ... thanx, enjoyed your post.

  117. Gorgeous quilt. Love the colours. Thanks so much for sharing

  118. I do not like modern looking quilts! But then I saw yours. O my goodness. I love using simple squares and rectangles in so brilliant colors.

  119. Gorgeous Carol. Love the emb on the baby qult. xo jan

  120. My favourite colours! I would really like to use more solids.

  121. Your purple quilt is beautiful and I love the embroidery on the baby quilt too. i was really looking forward to seeing this hop as i only have used kona for my embroidery, not made into a pieced quilt.

  122. Love your color choices! Looks like a mangeable pattern too. svonfumetti(at)yahoo(dot)com

  123. I love the quilt you made, the colors and the pattern are just fabulous!

  124. That is beautiful. I grew up with all plain colors so when I started quilting I used a lot of fine prints. But this blog, and your beautiful quilt just got me back to basics again.

  125. Hi Carol, I have to say I have never been a big lover of the one color fabric but I am sure this hop will change my mind starting with your two quilts. I loved both they were very pretty and the quilting on both was very lovely. The colors just seemed to sparkle together.

  126. I surely love Kona cottons and yours are so bright. Love the quilt pattern too. Thanks for hosting the hop and showing these fabulous quilts.

  127. I'm so excited about this blog hop! Your quilt turned out GORGEOUS! I want one now...

  128. What a gorgeous quilt! Thanks for being our Cheerleader!

  129. Great job and love the colors that you used! Congrats on being the creative pick of the day.

  130. I love these blog hops. So much inspiration feeding my brain!!

  131. Your quilt is gorgeous!! I just love the colors that you chose to use! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!!
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  132. Your version of Iridescence is yummy, and I love the geometric quilting!

  133. I like both of your quilts. I really like the quilting on the baby quilt.

  134. You did a beautiful job on your quilt. I to have an issue when it comes to following a pattern you made it look so easy! Thanks for showing me, maybe there is hope for me yet

  135. Both of your quilts are yummy beautiful! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  136. I am not usually a fan of purple, but I am in love with your quilt.

  137. Love your quilt!! The Sunset colours are amazing!! And the baby quilt, great bonus!!

  138. Your quilts are fabulous! Thank you for sharing them!

  139. I love your quilt and the little quilt is so cute. The quilting is enviable as well. Thanks for all your inspiration not just to me but to the quilty world out there!

  140. Your quilt is just stunning. I really like the colors you used. Well done!

  141. Ohhhh, how lovely. The quilts are spectacular in solids - for sure. I haven't met a Kona solid I didn't like!!

  142. Both quilts are spectactular,but I love the baby quilt!

  143. Love both quilts. As a new quilter, solids are less scary to use. I am loving this hop. Happy New Year from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  144. I can't believe a FQ bundle made the big quilt and a little quilt, amazing job and love the photos.

  145. What a gorgeous quilt, I love the pattern and colours. Well done

  146. I love the baby quilt you made with the leftovers!
    Kathy Davis

  147. That is beautiful in those colors. Great job and I love the baby quilt too.

  148. Carol, What an outstanding quilt! I love the colors, and the pattern just sets them off. Beautiful!

  149. What a great quilt photo. It really helps pop those beautiful colors! Thanks for hosting our fun hop.

  150. Wonderful! I love both the quilts! Thanks for hosting!

  151. Carol your quilt is stunning. The colors are my favorites. The quilt stitching really enhances the blocks. Thank you for hopping.

  152. Love your color choices!And Love Kona!

  153. Oh wow. That is GREAT! I loved the pattern of the straight and cute! Man! Now I am just did a fantastic job on Both of these quilts...Thank you for sharing!

  154. Your quilt indeed looks iridescent! I love the way you used the colors. And that quilting compliments the design so well. Thanks so much for sharing!

  155. Love your quilt. It's beautiful.

  156. Gorgeous quilt, and a gorgeous background too!

  157. I love the Kona colors. So exciting

  158. Carol, these are just stunning! Love, love. And how fun that is for a bonus quilt! The quilting on both quilts are just perfect. Way to go... sticking to the pattern! What a great way to start off your 2014!

  159. Love your quilt and the quilting on the baby quilt.

  160. I love those colors. I am doing my bathroom in orchid and want to make some colorful shower curtains. Just the right shades. Thanks for this hop

  161. What a gorgeous quilt so full of beautiful colors. The quilting is wonderful as well. I'm sure you're thrilled with all the different quilting areas done to your quilt.

  162. What a way to kick off the hop! That quilt is gorgeous.

  163. Love the colors in your quilt, what fun this hop is.

  164. Awesome quilt! And you are right that is some great quilting!

  165. I am really enjoying seeing all the kona designs by such creative people! Nancy:

  166. Really lovely! The pattern and colour are gorgeous!

  167. What beautiful quilts!! Love the desert setting :)

  168. The colors you chose are just gorgeous! I can already tell that this Kona blog hop is going to be one that I love. :)

  169. Long day at work for me, ending my day by looking at the gorgeous talents of others - what a great START to this hop! Thank you for your sharing of your talent!!

  170. Love the colours and your quilt. A quilt made of solids is on my 2014 list!

  171. Love the colours used in your quilt. What a great blog hop. Look forward to visiting other blogs.

  172. Absolutely stunning! I also love your quilting embroidery on the baby quilt. I think I need that book! Congrats on being one of the chosen.

  173. Simply beautiful love it. If you get tired of it, send it to me...:)

  174. I love those colors! They really make the quilt. Okay the pattern is nice and the quilting is great, but for me it is the colors. Beautiful!

  175. That looks great! I'm excited to see the rest of this hop!

  176. What a beautiful quilt, and I love your sweet baby quilt. Nice Job!

  177. Just geting into more modern quilts and the Kona solids are to die for!! Thanks for the blog.

  178. You really did score with that purple!! Your quilt is beautiful and I love the quilting on it! Thank you for participating in this great giveaway!!!

  179. Your ta-da revealed a beautiful quilt! Great choices in the colors and stitching. Thanks for putting my name in the hat for the drawing!

  180. great quilts Carol. What a fabulous way to start of the blog hop

  181. Both of your quilts are gorgeous. I love the colors.

  182. Absolutely love the baby quilt...such great fabric though...hard to choose which I preferred lol


  183. Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the chance on the giveaway.

  184. I love her book. Yum. The quilt in the Sunset colorway is gorgeous. I have a bundle of each but I can't decide what to make first. I really like seeing the same quilt in different colorways.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  185. Sew, sew pretty! I need to develop a good eye for colors.

  186. Love what I am finding, a couple days late as I just found the hop. Would Love this book!

  187. I thought I had commented but can't see it. You do lovely work milady. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for hostessing this fun hop and for a nice giveaway.

  188. Oh my I just love them both. they are just stunning. Santa didn't bring me that book this year for Christmas though I asked for it so I'm going to use one of the gift cards that I received to get it for myself instead.

  189. Late getting to this site however wanted to let you know how I enjoyed all the pieces

  190. Love your quilt & the colors. Thanks for the chance to win!



Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...