Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What's The Word?

My friend, Kim, got me started a few years ago choosing a yearly word that would mean something to me and cause me to focus on its importance. I love how Kim inspires me when I visit her blog! She shared a link to Ali Edwards' blog and her "One Little Word":  

"A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. 
It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow." 

You can read Ali Edwards' original post from 2007 about "One Little Word" (go here to read that post) and the power of single words. 

Plus, check out Woolie Mammoth's blog for her special word for the's a great post!

While thinking of what word to focus on this year, I thought about how I've always been a glass-half-empty kinda gal, but this past year has seemed a little more like the-glass-is-empty. I retired, sold a house, moved, blah, blah, blah, and I think whatever was in my glass has almost disappeared. So to rid myself of a few negatives in my life, I'm going with this word for 2014:


I'll try to be more positive this year!

What word would you choose?

OH, AND...
Today's the last day (January 2nd) to enter my Feeling Ghastlie Giveaway...

Wake Up To Kona starts in just a few days!
(+ 2 extra days!)

I'm so excited!


  1. Good morning Carol....I think my word this year will be 'steady'. I want to try to just work steady at my many projects. Not rush...not feel overwhelmed...not Keep the stress at a distance.

  2. Carol your chose a great word! I know the word I need to choose, but will I achieve that goal? Probably not as much as I try to. I would choose *De-Clutter* as I know I need to take the time and get rid of excess stuff. But I can never throw most things out because I find uses for them and because I sew, quilt, knit, and craft, I NEED my stuff to create. Or maybe what I really need a larger house and a huge creative space? Lol!!!

  3. Great word that has "positive" ripple effects. I'll need to think of a word too. Great idea and thanks for the links. Just got a text from a friend...maybe by word needs to be "Tolerance"...yes...that will be my word!

  4. Crazy as it sounds, my word for this year is going to be "join". I want to begin to participate in quilt things, like quilt alongs and maybe even a retreat, join the local quilt guild. I need to stop looking at my computer screen and join in more!!

  5. My word is YES...see

  6. My word would be "thankful". I am thankful I have a house over my head, food on the table, a husband that truly loves me, great kids, some awesome son-in-laws and grand kids.

  7. I found out oneword365 and started to blog about my word PREPARE here:

  8. you inspire me more than you know and I'm still thinking about my one little word. It is a hard decision for me!

  9. I'm already thinking my word for this year is survive! =) Happy New Year!

  10. When Michelle from Quilts in my Crayon Box read my post about "no buying fabric and busting my stash in 2014" . She said my word for 2014 should be RESIST. I gotta go with that! RESIST!

  11. I think this year my word will be "Start"...if I don't start, I will never see a finish and get the joy!!!!

  12. I would consider positives the things you called negatives that emptied your glass.

    My word will be persevere.


Comments are always appreciated!

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