Friday, January 10, 2014

The Need To Sew Kona's

There have been so many amazingly creative Kona solid projects this week...
these blog hopping quilters are incredibly talented!
I just want to sew more and try out some of these new ideas.

Slight BIG problem, though.

My NEW  Bernina sewing machine (yes, I got a new toy for Christmas) needed to be fixed (UGH!) 
and the shop was too busy so they couldn't fix it right away. I've been without a machine for 

Can you spell

It "should" be fixed today...hopefully!

Oh, Robert Kaufman, your Kona's are so addictingly beautiful!

I'll have to settle for drooling over looking at everyone else's projects.


  1. Oh, wow, that is awful. I know what you mean. I have other projects to get started on... but I keep pulling out the KONA!! What a great hop.

  2. That's why you need a backup machine - a little cheapy that fills the void.

  3. Ohhh poor you... the end is NEAR for sure!! you need a back up machine

  4. In my opinion....and I'm good at giving it....they should have given you a new machine .period
    10 days old and going to the shop....HORSE FEATHERS !

  5. You need a back up machine or two or 25....old girls sew beautifully.

  6. That seems to happen to a lot of people these days. Very very disappointing.

  7. Now that is terrible. How could a new Bernina need service? Miss Bernina better be ready for you and not let you down again. No more withdrawals dear...

  8. Awwww, crocodile tears! I understand though, what a terrible annoyance. I hope you find something exciting to do with your weekend!

  9. Serious bummer! and a new machine too. Loving the hop Carol. Excited for my day on Mon.

  10. Drats for you. I hope it wasn't anything serious.

  11. Nooooo! Say it isn't sew! I was always afraid of this, myself. Even bringing your machine in for a scheduled service can be devastating. So I finally got a new machine so my old one could be my backup. I feel for ya, dear!

  12. I hope you are up and sewing soon! No new machine should have that problem.


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