Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Little Ruffled

I had started making blocks from the Valentine fabric I had won on Madame Samm's blog, but just couldn't get into it. Sometimes shiny things or new fabrics distract me and I drop what I'm doing and start something new. One of these days I'll drag out all those unfinished quilty things and join a "Finish Friday" group or something. I'd love to clear out my closet to buy new fabric to clean things up a little.

Quilted Works was having a party all week for their anniversary, so of course I had to stop by, and of course I had to buy something (I love that store!) They had more of the the fabric I had won on sale, so I bought a bit more to make sure I had enough to do whatever it was I was going to do to finish the quilt.

Then I saw it!

There was a baby quilt displayed on the wall with ruffles that was just so dang cute. I knew I had to make a quilt with a ruffle. Since I rarely follow a pattern exactly (because I'm easily distracted or whatever), I started piecing some of the leftover pieces from the blocks I started, added a strip here and there, and then added a ruffle. A cute little ruffle. I love the ruffle!
It turned out like this
(and yes, I notice two blue blocks, too close together....ugh!)
I'll post it again once it is quilted and hopefully,
that cute little ruffle will show-up better.


  1. This is a fun little quilt. I love the black text fabric bits in it. The ruffle is quite adorable. I sware, every time I think up something, the next thing I know, it shows up on somebody's blog...great minds? Nah! I'm ruffling a little quilt project myself. I will love to see this quilted!

  2. Ohhhhhhhh carol you must know I too am a fan of anything ruffles..yours is strikingly beautiful... I love the red and pinks combo, the block simple yet appealing....way to go my dear


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Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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