Thursday, December 28, 2017

What Color Are Your "Kisses"?

My kisses don't really have a color (unless I'm wearing lipstick, of course),
but Riley Blake Designs "Kisses" by Doodlebug Designs has amazing colors!

I'm excited to say that Riley Blake Designs has given me "Kisses" fat quarters
for a giveaway during the Put A Little Love in Your Quilt Blog Hop.
Awesome and thank you, Riley Blake Designs!
Someone will be a very lucky winner in February!

The bear and the heart box aren't included, but was a gift from my mother-in-law.
She had a thing about bears and made sure every one of us had one or two bears to take home.
This was her favorite brand, but if she spotted one at a restaurant or store, 
you could be absolutely certain she'd be buying it to gift to someone special.


  1. What pretty fabric. So many great colors.

  2. Wow...what pretty Kisses fabrics from Riley Blake Designs. Your Mother-in-Love was very sweet to always gift bears and this one is extra sweet. Blessings and Peace and Creativity for 2018 Dear...<3

  3. Your MIL sounds like a loving woman! My dear Mama was like that with tiny dolls
    Those are cheerful colors, kisses indeed!

  4. I'm going to go have a closer look at that fabric! Who doesn't love a Teddy Bear. the just ooze "you are loved" when you receive one.

  5. I needed a close up of that fabric. I LOVE it.

  6. The fabric looks full of love. Bears do warm the heart and hugging one can take away the worries. Can't wait to hop along!!!

  7. Beautiful fabrics and I love your bear. Hugs,

  8. I love those cute little X's. I'm not sure if they would be considered tone on tone, but that's what I think of when I see them. ❤️ the bear too. 🐻

  9. Such colorful kisses! I like those spring colors.

  10. Wow, thanks Riley Blake!!!! And what a special mother in law!

  11. Your mother in law sounds like she was a gem. I hope to grow gem worthy one day haha
    I love this fabric. This looks like a very versatile color range. I need these

  12. That fabric looks beautiful...yum! And the wee little bear is a cutie too, look forward to the hop and everyone's sweet creations.

  13. What a sweet little bear! And that's a sweet FQ bundle, too :) Thanks for offering to give it away in February!

  14. My daughter, who always had a lot of bears growing up, once gave my mom a bear, because my mom couldn't remember if she ever had a teddy bear as she was growing up. My daughter felt bad so about that.


Comments are always appreciated!

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