Wednesday, December 13, 2017

It's A Wild Life Block Of The Month 2018

Sew Incredibly Crazy just posted the new theme for her block of the month for 2018.
It's A Wild Life!

Sew Incredibly Crazy

I'm excited to get started on it, but I'll have to wait until February 1st
when the first block is released. It's another fun BOM, for sure!


  1. Sounds like a fun BOM, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.


  2. I fear you will not have to wait long wiith our speeding days and weeks. Fun BOM...

  3. Sounds like a great theme net year.

  4. Sounds like fun! I don't want to wait but as busy as this time of year is ... probably a good thing to have to wait!! Happy Holidays and thanks for the early gift.

  5. I had such a crazy 2017 that I am ready for some fun and get back to blogging again. Looking forward to it.

  6. Hi Carol,
    This looks like a fun BOM project! One block a month . . . I might be able to handle that! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Just might give this one a try! I’ve a lot on my plate right into February, but then might be able to free up some Sew time for at least one block a month! Looks like fun!

  8. I really love your great work.Thanks for sharing
    and i am waiting your next post.Patterns Of Embroidery


Comments are always appreciated!

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