Monday, October 29, 2012

Wicked--Day 6 AND The Ghastlie Bag

Have I ever told you that I'm terrible at following patterns and directions?
I think I've mentioned it a few times.
Making this bag was no different. I started with the Simplicity #2357 pattern,
but it wasn't quite right for what I wanted, so....
I made it bigger, the strap got longer, a slot for a pocket was added, and
my Ghastlie block was set-in one of the fabric pieces.
I liked it better, of course.
It's perfect for my on-the-go quilty projects
(with a pocket for my scissors and other necessities.)


Things just get creepier and creepier

as we move on to Day 6 of....
Thank you to the frighteningly Wicked Wendy for hosting this spooky hop!

HUGE thanks to the monstrously wonderful
 Madame Samm for her behind-the-scenes madness.
All the terrifying creations are pinned on her Pinterest page.

Now fly over and check out these other 
wicked hoppers who are posting today:

Monday, October 29th

There's my giveaway, too.


  1. What a great bag you made ... love it !!

  2. I think I like you better and better each day....I am not good at following any kind of pattern....which is why I like you...this is fantastic...I really like big is it?

  3. That looks like such a comfy bag!

  4. Men, need directions just to get it right while women use the back of the directions sheet to sketch and make it BETTER!!
    I love your bag! (can I say that?)


  5. Oooh, the black background really makes the Ghastlie print pop out at you! Steak Sauce!

  6. What a practical use for Ghastlies, love it!

  7. Great bag, I think the fabric is a great choice too and the bag looks fun to make and wear !

  8. Oh look at that, you already made your block into a great bag, a lovely bag!

  9. What a cool bag. Love the colours. For a second, I thought it was an apron. Hm-got me thinking-

  10. YOUR BAG IS GREAT!!!! even if it is GHASTLY, LOL!!!!! you are so funny....... who does read directions, honestly, I don't most of the time, lol......I don't know why I waste my time writing them, hardly anyone reads them. Even in our tight little quilting group, they're always calling or texting me to ask me things...and I try not to remind them the directions were included in the pattern, lol.
    I was fascinated by the ghastlie block last time and wondered what you were up to. That is one wicked block whipped up into a fantastic shape! I LOVE IT!! Is it different enough for you to do your own pattern? Maybe Samm will do a bag it blog? And you can win for that great block on that awesome tote bag...


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...