Friday, October 12, 2012

A Rip Roarin' Giveaway!

I went back to Quilted Works ...twice in one day was very fun...and got another of these amazing little seam rippers as a giveaway. The rubber end grabs up those stray threads that we all hate to pick out.

You don't have to be a follower, you don't have to tell me your favorite thing to use a seam ripper on, but you do have to leave me a comment. The staff at Quilted Works are so nice and they have an online store, too--check them out by clicking HERE.

This giveaway ends has ended on October 20th, at 6 p.m. PST.

  1. Leave a short and sweet comment.
  2. Make sure I can contact you if you're a noreply blogger. Typing out your email address like this helps avoid spammers: iblog at aol dot com. If I can't contact you, you can't win.
  3. Only ONE entry per person
  4. I'll mail it anywhere.
  5. Entries after 6 p.m. PST on October 20th will not be included in the giveaway.


  1. How fun to go to the quilt store twice in one day. Love the looks of the ripper will have to check out my store and see if they have them too.

    happy stitching
    Robin in Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail com

  2. Thank you for such a sa-weet giveaway courtesy of Quilted Works!
    This is such a cool tool :D

  3. I was wondering what the rubber end was for!! Thanks for the chance! I'm heading over to Quilted Works to see what else they have!

  4. Such a fun giveaway, I'm heading over to check out their store now.

  5. I saw that on another blog and like the idea of being able to pick up the pieces. I am always ripping out and only one seam ripper, so it would be nice to have another to use in this room.


  6. That is so nice of you to have this giveaway. I am glad to hear that you really like those seam rippers. I have seen them but no one has said how much they like them.

  7. Since Jack the Seam Ripper and I have an intimate relationship, i sure could use this..thanks!

  8. I checked out Quilted Works. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  9. Sometimes I go to the LQS twice in a day but it's just down the road. I think I forget something on purpose, lol. thanks for the chance to win what looks like a great seam ripper.

  10. Uh could get me into trouble but I'm going anyway....and blaming you this time. Thanks, sweetie.

  11. I haven't seen a ripper like that- always looking for a better one- maybe one that does the work for me? lol! my lqs is too far away to go twice in one day!

  12. Quilted Works is one of my favorite quilt shops! Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  13. Short and sweet...heading over to the shop now. Thanks.

  14. Hi!!! Thanks for the fun and useful give a way!!! I am finding they are a must have!!!

  15. Well, I like to consider myself a unsewer rather than a ripper!! This tool looks mighty useful in my life of unsewing. I laughed when I read your statement "you don't have to tell me your favorite thing to use a seam ripper on"!! BTW, my favorite thing is "fabric". lol

  16. I love that shop and I love you give aways!

  17. Thank you for giving the chance to win this cool tool! :)

  18. This is just such a great giveaway! I've never seen before the rubber thing in the end, brilliant! Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. I have never seen this tool in the Netherlands, it seems to me that it is a very handy tool.
    I think they like you, coming twice to their store in one day! I visited the webshop, can imaging you like to shop at Quilted Works!

  20. This looks a great idea!
    Thank you!

  21. What will they think of next?? And why didn't I invent such a cool tool??

  22. That looks like an interesting tool. Nice give away. I finally got pass that no reply blogger last night after spending two hours working on it. So if I am a winner you will be able to reach me. Have a nice weekend.

  23. what a cute tool. Thank you for offering a giveaway.

  24. That looks like a "gotta have" tool. I always dread having to rip out my mistakes and this sure looks like it is a cool tool!!

  25. I have wanted to try this gadget - thanks for the chance to win!

  26. Oh how I need one! Thanks for providing the give away. Thanks to your sponsor, Quilted Works, too!

  27. Too bad we ALL need a seam ripper. lol! It's a useful thing to have.

  28. I wish I didn't need this tool but let's just say, it will get used!

  29. my motto also is "just let me quilt" and i NEVER have to rip stitching out, but that tool would be cool to have just in case!!! hrtnmtns at gmail dot com

  30. Humm, I've never seen a seam ripper like that! I'm needing a new one (too much use!) and this looks like it would be a great one to have. Thanks for a chance to win one first!

  31. Although I hate to use it, I sometimes have to. So I jump into your giveaway with pleasure. I'm your follower too, and I really like it. Have a nice weekend!

  32. I saw this tool just last month and thought I should have one. It would be even better to win it.

  33. Love the tool. It looks like a great addition. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw

  34. A unique tool for every sewing room and colorful too.

  35. Quilt shops are such happy places, so it would be fun to go twice in one day.
    (supermomnocape at yahoo dot com)

  36. I love Quilted Works. Hate those pesky threads. Thank you for the great giveaway. I follow via email, but just in case--- jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  37. I too 'never' use my seam ripper! carrie dot hare at

  38. I just saw this on another blog. I would like to try it out :) Thanks.

  39. thanks for sharing would love to try this

  40. I would love to win the seam ripper! Thanks, Carol, for the giveaway!

  41. I have never heard of these and appreciate you sharing a new tool!

  42. It looks like a great tool. After visiting Quilted Works and seeing their wonderful selection, I'm surprised the seam ripper was all you came away with.

  43. Now that's very cool - it almost looks like a honey spoon. I've given up on rippers years ago and tend to use a hatpin to undo my work - lots of great control and I find it just as fast. This would be fun to try tho.

  44. That would be very handy to have the thread grabber right with the ripper. I think I will check these out for Christmas gifts for my quilty friends!!

  45. This a great tool to have, I love what the rubber tip does, really want one.

  46. If you only knew how often I use a seam ripper...giggle...mine get dull! Thanks for the chance...nice to hear that you also use one on occasion...giggle again!

  47. Not that i would ever need one but just in case i need to rip anything out some day in the distant future, i would like one too. I would like a red one LOL

  48. Ive seen these online and would love to have a go, thanks v much

  49. Looks like a fun tool to try, thanks for a chance ;)

  50. Looks cool! Can't wait to try one out. Thanks for sharing!

  51. I have been using sharp scissors and jammed them under my fingernail today!! OUCH!!!!
    Love the idea of being able to erase the threads once I unpick them.

  52. Looks like a great tool, I would love to try them.

  53. Cool tool and Quilted Works is neat too.

  54. I've been visiting a lot of shops lately, but only once a day in each shop! ;-) I've love to win this seam ripper! Thanks.

  55. Just heard about this tool this past weekend. Looks like it works really well. Would be fun to win one of them. Love your blog.

  56. Very nice! I'd love to have a tool like that...very generous, too!

  57. Unfortunately, there a some days when I would certainly be able to put this tool to good use!

  58. Its amazing how we try not to make mistakes but every project usually needs a seam ripper. Nice give away.

  59. Just got back from checking out the store :O omg....i sooo want some of the curiosities fabric!!! Thank you for the chance to win :)

  60. One thing for sure, if you went back to get this seam ripper it must be as good as everyone has been saying it is. I have seen them on various sites and thought about getting one. You are so sweet to show someone else the treasure you have found by giving one away! Thank you for a chance to win!

  61. love all the little things in quilt shops

  62. Well, heck, that gadget looks like the handiest thing since sliced bread!! And I definitely need one of those :D

  63. I'm new to your site & I'm glad I found you! Thanks for a chance to win!


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