Friday, October 5, 2012

Leafs Me Happy -- Day 5

Oh, my! Such fun Fall projects on this hop!
Lots of leaves, turkeys, trees, pies, and more.

I've already had my day...

Check out my giveaway HERE and don't forget you will get an extra bonus entry if you find that other slice of fabric pie that will be showing up on one of the posts in this hop. It's not a whole pie and it's not a real slice of will be just a slice and will be made of fabric.

Keep your eye out for it!

is hosting this Leafs Me Happy.

Thanks Cherry!

Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt is showing us Leafs Me Happy favorites on 
her blog and pinning them on Pinterest so we can see them all in one place.
Thanks Madame Samm for creating the hops we're all loving!

Today's list of hoppers:


  1. I just hopped around the blogs, what a great show!

  2. NICE hopping today, I will be happy when Madamn Samm gets my blog fixed then I will have more funner !!!

  3. Just to l;et you and your readers know that I made your apple pie recipe, it is so good, we had it with thick cream and my everloving said that I am not to tell you that he had a double helping and almost licked his dish.

  4. I have been watching...I have not seen one yet...mmmmm

  5. Just found the slice of pumpkin pie, both real and appliqued on Madame Samms' blog! Thanks for keeping us guessing on that one!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...