Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Cackling Stitches 2022 Block Of The Month Begins

I love my creative partners, Joan and Carla, in our wickedly crazy Halloween Facebook group, Cackling Stitches! This is our second year hosting a Halloween block of the month. It is so fun!

Those two keep me focused and secure on my broom because sometimes I can get carried away with monstrous ideas. They have to work overtime to bring me back to earth when I go zinging all over the place. They aren't always successful...just saying.

Joan loves Halloween as much as I do or maybe more. She can whip up some creative quilt blocks with just the twitch of her little finger and a sprinkle of dried frog toes! It's been said that she's a descendant of Witchiepoo, but I wouldn't want to spread that kind of creepy rumor.

Carla magically creates her blocks with a tug on her ear, an eye of newt, and wand that constantly rocks our Halloween world! I read in one of my spell books that she was the hairdresser for Glenda, the good witch of Oz. That wouldn't surprise me at all!

Anyway, they both make me smile and they are amazing in everything they do. Which brings me back to the Creepy Critters Block of the month. Check out our Facebook page for all the info on blocks, borders, yardage, etc. HERE.

The first block is Rotary Rita, designed by me. She's serious about her rotary cutter, so don't mess with her!

Come join us for some tricks, treats, and Creepy Critters!


  1. Well, now that's a Creepy start! 😊😊

  2. Es tan divertido tener un grupo de amigas con la misma locura...coser

  3. Thanks Carol. Let the fun begin!

  4. Hummm...so your the good witch I see! LOL!!!!
    What a joy to design with you crazy girls.

  5. Wow, she sure does look creepy! Great work!

  6. What a creepy, I am going to assume quilter if she uses a rotary.

  7. She surely chose a dangerous weapon! Cute!

  8. You quilting sisters really come up with the fun projects! Thank you.


Comments are always appreciated!

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