Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Seam Ripper Is Having Way More Fun Than Me

After realizing that my seam ripper was having way too much fun tearing out seams, I decided I 
needed a short break from sewing. I also thought my ripper needed a little rest from working so hard.
Seriously, I was ripping more than sewing. Aaaargh!

Yes, that's my favorite ripper enjoying some sun in my garden of squash.
Those squash plants are so small, but hopefully they will grow up big and strong.

These flowers hover over my garden and bring the bees. I love bees!

There's one!

And another!

This one was giving me the eye so I backed off a little.

No word on my vintage Singer...darn! I decided to sand and refinish the cabinet.
It had a couple other layers of staining on it, but hopefully I can get it to look okay.

While my ripper was enjoying a holiday, my hubby took me to a What Women Want convention.
What a guy and so brave to walk around with all those women!

Picked up this wreath for my door...even the hubby liked it.

This quilt is what had my ripper a little busy this week.
Some points didn't meet perfectly and that 5" paper pieced star argued a little, too.
Sewing the blocks on point caused a little confusion for me my ripper, 
so there might have been a row or two that had to get ripped out.

I hope to keep my ripper a lot less busy this week and actually get some sewing done!


  1. ahhhhh now those are lovely photos of yellows, blossoms that mirror the sun....lovely indeed

  2. I am envious of your squash. We have just leaves so far, and hopefully they can swim since it keeps raining, and the water is standing in the gardens, as well as the driveway, lot, and field. Great yellow flowers and bees. I love bees too which makes DH crazy because I make him leave about 1/2 an acre in our field unmown for a bee, bird, and butterfly habitat. I have problems with on point calculations too.

  3. I love bees too. I just haven't seen any since I moved from Jersey. I know they are here or we wouldn't have all of the fruit an flowers. It's funny, I hadn't noticed not seeing them until I read this. Anyway, sorry about your poor ripper. A little time off will do him good. Great wreath. Your hubby is saintly.

  4. Ahhh, my ripper must be related to your ripper.... beautiful flowers and love the bees.... beauitiful wreath too. Can't wait to see that quilt.

  5. The garden looks like it has a lot of activity in it right now. I hope that the seam ripper takes a summer vacation so you can have fun!

  6. Your garden is looking lovely. We did not plant one this year. Squash bugs killed everything last year and we are a bit disheartened. My seam ripper got a workout this past week too. Must be in the air.


Comments are always appreciated!

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