Tuesday, May 12, 2015

To List Or Not To List

I'm bad about making any kind of a list. Like really, really bad about it.
Quite often I see blogger's posts with lists of their finished, need to finish, and want to finish projects.
They are my heroes!

When my oldest grandson was around four or five years old he used to pretend to write lists on his 
hand.  He would then accurately tell me what I needed to buy or where I needed to go.
I need him to write a "hand list" of all the projects I have in the making and need to finish.
Maybe that would motivate me...or not.

There's this quilt from October 2013 that is sitting in the corner waiting for minor finishing.
The binding is sewn all the way around it on one side. All I need to do is finish the other side.
I love this quilt, yet it sits there waiting for me...since 2013!

Then there's the Snapshot Quilt. I'm a block behind because I'm not sure I like the dog one I made.
Button eyes, applique eyes...I can't decide.

I've got all the applique done on my project from Margie at Ribbon Candy Quilting.

I only have a few blocks to sew together and then it will be done. I have to get it done, because
I hear that Margie has an elephant in the making and I will want to make it for sure! I love elephants!

There's my purple Dresden to quilt, a baby quilt for the grandson born two months ago,
then that one, this one, the other one...all sitting there waiting.
Let's not even go there with all the ideas in my head!

Last summer I finished several quilts, so maybe I can finish more this summer.
Are you a list maker? Do they really help?


  1. I've been a list maker from way back. I definitely find them useful - for all things.

  2. I might make a list (grocery, fabric), but I absolutely despise the huge long lists that others post on their blogs. Show me a pretty picture instead of a bunch of words. Just my opinion. Love your sweet little animals, go with applique eyes. The little birds are adorable. I have always loved that Dresden quilt.

  3. You sound like you are a typical crafter and have many projects going at once! Keep on chuggin'!

  4. I try to keep a running list of what's working. It helps me to not forget any project, even if it is on the list a very long time. Checking even one off is such an accomplishment.

  5. Carol, I love the 2013 quilt, but we all have projects like that laying around, at least I know, I definitely do! As far as your doggie snapshot, why don't you audition several selections on the blog, and see what everyone thinks? He is so darn cute, even without his eyes, but the eyes will give him character and life. lv2bquilting2@comcast.net

  6. oh my goodness. please finish the 2013 quilt so you can enjoy it! it is so beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Mary! There was no email to reply to you, so I left a message on your Google+ page. Maybe today will be the day to finish it! :O)

  7. Good for you to even know what needs finishing ! I don't !

  8. I like my lists and only do it for quilting, it's not so much to "show" but more of a motivation for me, but this odd thing happens with my quilting lists.... as soon as I cross off one item, I seem to add 2 to the bottom, so it never ends - not that I want it to ;)

  9. I make short lists. Long lists would be depressing, oh and I never stick to my list. I am constantly getting side tracked.

  10. Sometimes I make lists, sometimes not! But the older I get, the more I NEED to make a list. I can't remember didley squat anymore! I'm with Vickie, at least you know what needs to be finished. I have too many to count and my list would be really, really long.

  11. I make lists in my mind rather than on paper. The trouble is, I seem to forget to take the list with me when I go shopping or whatever.

  12. I am going to start making lists any minute now. I pretend they are in my head & usually I do pretty well. Button eyes or applique, that is a tough one. I vote button, that really isn't a kid quilt, so you'd be safe with buttons. Good luck. You can do it!

  13. Making lists is how I procrastinate from actually doing the items on the list. :0
    I was really behind on finishes so I have worked diligently on my UFOs since January and really do feel better getting caught up, not all done but I am sticking with it. I treat myself to a new small project in between every 1-2 finishes. It has worked but it takes discipline to keep at them. But my stress level reduces with every finished project. My oldest one that I finished was from 2005. Yep it was!

  14. I am terrible at making lists as they overwhelm me. But then again I might not make a list because then I will have to face all the things that need doing and finishing. Ahh the dilemmas we face. I could even get something done...if I wasn't sitting at this computer enjoying what others are doing!!! Your work is always sew enjoyable. That quilt is stunning...just one side to do...whew! Isn't it nice to know we are not alone in this Creative Bliss?!!!

  15. Definitely not a list maker! I had a friend challenge me to make a list and post it in my sewing room. I took pictures of UFO's, 'kits to be made' (are those UFO's, too???). etc... to coordinate with my list. Posted the list up in my sewing room. About a year later, I finally decided I'd actually look at the list - I was able to cross 2 projects off of it. But I had a whole lot more that I had completed in that year than just those 2 projects. I took the list down! I prefer to go wherever my mind / creativity takes me on whatever day it wants to take me there.....


Comments are always appreciated!

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