Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Day To Walk For The Cure

I did the Walk For The Cure on Saturday. 
There was way, way, way too much pink! That "C" stuff has got to go!

Go Team Sue!

I had some sweet company on the walk. It was one mile uphill both ways...I'm sure it was!
My daughter got me there and kept me on the right track. Such a good girl!

Even the police got into the pink mood.

There were so many participants supporting the cause...way to go Las Vegas!


  1. Congratulations for supporting such a worthwhile cause. You look adorable in pink and your daughter is too cute! Yay you!

  2. Way to go! All of you pink ladies did a great job for a great cause!

  3. Good job! Wait does Las Vegas have hills in the actual city? Surrounding, yes plenty of gorgeous scenery and mountains. But who am I to argue with a city with an Eiffel tower, venetian canals, and the temple of luxor in the area.

  4. Y'all got your pink on! Great cause and great job! Hooray for your daughter encouraging you on.

  5. Congrats on participating for the cause. Well done. Love the Pink police car.

  6. what a blessing you are to do this... best to your sweet friend

  7. That is a lot of pink!!! Way to go! We do need to get rid of the ugly disease.

  8. Blessings to you and your daughter for taking this walk.

  9. So glad to know you walked, thank you ! Even more glad to see your smilin face !!!

  10. Wonderful pics :) Great cause, way to go!!

  11. Looks like a great time was had. Too bad it is for such a serious cause. Maybe some day.........


Comments are always appreciated!

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