Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sometimes That Quilt Vision Just Doesn't Work Out

There are times when I get this vision in my head for a quilt and it turns out fabulous.
Sometimes it is way, way, way off from that masterpiece in my head and just doesn't work out at all.

This was one of those times.

Not so excited about it!

I sewed the blocks together, did a little paper pieced block, and added borders.
More than halfway through I KNEW this wasn't matching what I'd had in my head, but
 I was so far into it that I just kept on sewing while forcing myself not to throw it in the garbage. 

Hopefully, a little quilting will give it something...anything...to look better.
Or, there's still that "throw it in the garbage" option.

*Just an updated note here: I promise I will not be throwing this out!
It's off to be quilted and hopefully it will make me smile once it is done.

I guess I better tweak those visions in my head a little more before actually sewing them.
Maybe some chocolate would help me get over this. Yep, I'm sure it would!


  1. What?!? NEVER, EVER throw a quilt, or fabric, in the garbage, unless it is so far gone it's unsalvageable. Someone, somewhere, can use it :-) And I think your quilt top is lovely! I love the blue, and the little paper-pieced star is a nice little surprise, not to mention the borders, which are great!

  2. I think it crisp and bright, finish it up and if you are still at odds with it - donate it, but don't toss it.

  3. I like it and once it is quilted, it will look even lovelier. Sometimes simple is just perfect. Don't throw it away.

  4. Yeah I understand about not meeting my vision. Those are the ones you finish quickly and donate.

  5. It's actually very pretty, just not what you had in mind so you can't see the beauty of it.

  6. Oh think of the negative space quilting and what that will do!

  7. First, quilting always makes it better. But if it doesn't match to what you want, it would make a fun back to another quilt.....

  8. I had to laugh at this because I have the same problem sometimes, and I have just tossed it in the garbage. I like your quilt, its simple and pretty.

  9. Do not throw it I think it looks great 😄

  10. I love it. It is peaceful and sweet

  11. WHAT? Throw it in the garbage? Surely you jest.Even if you don't want to finish it, give it to a charity that will. This is too good to waste.

  12. It's lovely just not the lovely you expected. Finish it with some fabulous quilting and if you still don't like it, donate it to charity or give it away. Someone will love it, and you, for doing so.

  13. It is a nice quilt do not throw it away, you can give it could be a service quilt. Some nice quilting might just bring out the pretty in it.

  14. Sometimes it is hard to interpret genius. ;) So I tell myself. LOL It is really pretty though and I am sure the quilting will make it more so. Will be a wonderful gift or donation quilt if you still don't care for it.

  15. Sometimes when a project doesn't meet the vision we had in our head, it can then be hard to see it as it actually is. The simplicity of the aqua and white squares gives this quilt top a fresh, clean look and the star block is an unexpected and fun addition!

  16. It is so frustrating when the vision in our head just doesn't translate itself to the fabric and out our machine!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what the quilting will add to this quilt - my favorite part and this is just begging for some modern fun in the quilting!! If you still aren't happy with it, think about adding some applique - fusible and sewn down by machine or needle-turn applique. OK, this is fun...I would quilt different sizes of stars using all different fillers in the stars...send it on over, I'll quilt it!!!! I can see it in my head!!! Phantom quilting...off to draw quilting ideas!!!!!

  17. Oh that's so frustrating, but at least you've seen it through, and someone will love it.

  18. LOL, it's not as bad as you think......if all your fabrics were solids it would be a "Modern" quilt ! When you get it back and don't love it, I will be surprised.


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