Saturday, June 13, 2015

Worry Less And Play With Friends

I've been so lucky to be hanging out with the Monkey Boys for the last couple of weeks, but things 
got switched up a little when my two friends, Brenda and Paula, came by to play for two whole days.

It was the best ever BIG GIRL slumber party!

They brought me this little sign which is so true! I do need to worry less!

I didn't blog,
I didn't answer emails,
and I smiled and laughed out-of-control most of the time.
We stayed up late and giggled about all those things that only long time friends can laugh about. 

They took me on a road trip on Friday to check out the Quilt Walk in Panguitch, Utah.
(Info on the Quilt Walk can be found HERE.)

Our first stop was the quilt store in Cedar City, Stitching It Up.  Such a cute store!
Not that I needed any more fabric, but since when has that stopped me from shopping.
Picked up this "Wicked" Halloween kit (the purple bow caught my eye)...can't wait to start sewing it!

After shopping, we headed towards Panguitch with Brenda driving the scenic route.
It was a gorgeous drive, but I didn't take any photos...left the camera at home!

We hadn't signed up for any classes, but we wandered around checking out quilts and vendors.
I was so excited to see Deonn from Quiltscapes. She was teaching a class...I wish I'd signed up!

We stopped at a few more quilt stores and ate way too much food on our trip, but it was so worth it!
Plus, I picked up two quilts from Quilted Works that need binding. So excited!

Now that Brenda and Paula are gone, it's back to hanging out with three of the Monkey Boys!
More fun for me ahead!


  1. Sounds like a nice worry-free adventure with friends Carol. How wonderful to have such wonderful friends!

  2. Oh that sounds like a fabulous time. Especially after the testosterone overload. I wonder if you can get testosterone poisoning from excessive boy/man exposure?

  3. What a great time! My quilting friends and I so enjoy our retreats together--can't beat it (well, except time with grandchildren is pretty hard to beat too). I didn't know Panguitch had a quilt walk--cool, historical event!

  4. What a fun time. buying pressies for yourself is always good. Time with friends and laughing is my favorite thing to do
    I bet the monkeys and grampa had a lot of fun too

  5. I have never been to that city, I would love to drive up there and check it out. Small town America. Big girl slumber parties are awesome!

  6. Sounds like a great couple of days.

  7. Your happiness shone through your words and I smiled for you. How rejuvenating. Good for you. Absolutely love the Wicked kit.

  8. How fun! It sounded so relaxing and a wonderful time. One of my customers is from Utah and always talks about Quilt Walk and how great it is. Someday I'll go...

  9. Yay for good friends, and good times!

  10. There is nothing that renews your spirits like time with girlfriends! I'm so glad you were able to do this - it's just needed sometimes! blessings, marlene

  11. It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Did you take the scenic route through the red rock canyon over to Panguitch? Enjoy the little boys.

  12. Worry Less would be a wonderful way to enjoy every day. I am a champion worrier and I do know it does me no good however! Your play day with friends sounds fabulous and you got some much needed creative vibes. Wicked will be uber fun. Playing with Monkey Boys is Priceless Fun...


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...