Sunday, June 21, 2015

Not One But Two Baby Birds

I thought there was just one baby bird two days ago...

But, no! My hubby took this picture today and look...there are two in there!
Mama bird was not happy with us and kept swooping down trying to attack us.
We've made our "photo shoots" quick so we don't upset her too much.

Their nesting in this little box. I'm nervous they'll fall out of the nest to the concrete below.

Look at it peeking over! Don't fall baby bird!

One egg didn't make it and it got pushed out of the nest to make room for those two babies.

Those are definitely only faces a mama could love.
Well, probably a papa bird would love them too!

Happy Father's Day!


  1. Aww....what a treacherous spot to build a nest. Guess they know what they are doing.

  2. I agree with you on the faces. We are on our second set of Robins in the nest on the front of the house. It is fun to watch them after they fledge. They still stay around our house.

  3. We end up with bird nests all of the place in weird places. I hate finding the eggs which have been pushed out of the nest or a bird. They are sure homely though.

  4. So sweet. I can see how you'd be worried they would fall out. Interesting places birds can pick to nest in.

  5. Those pictures are amazing. Great idea about the box.

  6. Those pictures are amazing. Great idea about the box.

  7. That last statement is sure the truth !

  8. Yeah, just not the cutest at that stage are they? LOL Hope they make it okay and don't fall.


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