Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dr Seuss And Ribbon Candy Elephants

I bought Ribbon Candy Quilt Company's pattern, "Abby's Elephant Party," last week
so while hanging out with the Monkey Boys I drew the 48 elephants and 48 ears on fusible web, 
ironed them on to some Dr. Seuss fabric I had in my stash, and then cut, cut, cut!
There was definitely an elephant party going on and a little Horton Hears A Who in my thoughts!  

I've appears that I've become crazy in love with making elephant quilts!
That's not such a bad thing, especially when those elephants are as cute as these!

My first zucchini squash from my garden!
After being gone a week it was almost too big, but I think it will make some excellent
zucchini bread or I'll stuff it with something yummy and bake it.


  1. oh my.....elephants and zucchini....great pics..

  2. Oh that quilt is going to be too cute!! Must resist, must resist... lol.

    I can't wait for our zucchini plant to start producing but that's a ways off yet.

  3. Look forward to seeing the finished elephant quilt Carol (love the fabric!!!)….and fresh zucchini bread sounds yummy :)
    Terry cwayons(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. Cute, cute elephant pattern and you're making my mouth water for some home grown zucchini... especially zucchini bread...It will be quite a while before my little plant puts any on.

  5. Good use of time drawing elephants. Zucchini bread, but there is also like a zucchini pizza which is fabulous.

  6. I am jealous. It has rained her sooooo much that we have been unable to plant our garden. Can't wait to see the elephants on parade.

  7. Those elephants are sooooo cute. The zucchini seems to grow as you watch! That will make great bread.

  8. Dat's a lot of efelants! LOL Will be sooo cute when done. Nice zuke , enjoy it, whatever you decide to make (personally, I would go with the bread-- some golden raisins and a touch of lemon. Yummy! )

  9. uhhh I need to go check my garden, it's been raining on and off for the last week, so haven't check on my veggies. SO look forward to the zuccini, for pizza, for a non noodle lasagna, or just grilled wil balsamic vinegar.....

  10. That is a very cute elephant cutout for your quilt. The bright polka dots really make them whimsical. Oh I do love zucchini and your home grown will be super yummy no matter how you prepare it. June JOY...


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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