Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Is My Smile Too Big?

At the end of the day on Thursday, I'll be officially
R E T I R E D!

Oh, boy oh boy, do I have plans!

That other lady is a little worried that I'll have lots of extra
time on my hands to make more projects than her...
not that we're competitive or anything. Look what she made for me----



  1. NO!!! Welcome to will LOVE IT!

  2. Carol. .... that's awesome!! Yay You and Congratulations :)

  3. Congratulations Carol! You will love retirement , enjoy :)

  4. Fantastic news! You will love every minute!

  5. OMG!!!! Soooo exciting, can't wait to see what you get up too....

  6. Congratulations Carol!!! Enjoy every moment!!!

  7. I can hear the sewing machine warming up. Congrats! You'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

  8. Hip Hip Hooray! Wish it was me! I know you'll have a great time, and wonder how you ever had time to hold down a job.

  9. Congratulations. You will love it :D

  10. Ohhh NOOOOOOOO! well you will know why in a few hours lol I am sooo worried...wink

  11. Congratulations. 11 years to to and I can say the same, unless I win the lottery of course.

  12. Congratulations Carol! I suppose we will see lot more creations from you now that you have more time to work on them. lol.

  13. Oh my, let the friendly compitition between you and that other lady begin. Congrats!

  14. Congratulations. You are going to love it.

  15. Happy Retirement Carol! I am just a wee bit jealous but my turn will be coming soon enough. I know you will enjoy yourself!

  16. Congratulation and to many hours of fun with your sewing machine.

  17. Congratulations! I think you and that other lady were only warming up and the true competition is about to start. LOL

  18. The news are fantastic. Welcome to you to the retirement. I have had one year now and I love it.
    So much to do and so much to sew. Have a wonderful last day of your working life

  19. My wish for you is this is going to be the time of your life, Golden Years, dear Carol!
    Happy Retirement and Enjoy.


  20. Congrats on yhis new chapter of life! I know you will enjoy it to the fullest!

  21. Enjoy this time of your life to the fullest! You are gonna have sew much fun!! :)

    A huge congratulations!

  22. Congratulations upon your retirement. It's a wonderful state of being and I know you'll just love it. I'm more busy now than when I worked!

  23. Congratulations Carol...and welcome to a world of possibilities! You're going to love it! Blessings, Marlene

  24. Retirement is more work than work but at least you get to choose what work it is! I personally love being retired even though I am working.

  25. congrats! I hope you have a gazillion quilts planned!!

  26. Congratulations to you....Enjoy your retirement. And live each day for you...

  27. Congratulations, Carol. Enjoy each day to the fullest.

  28. Oh my goodness...whatever will you do with all your spare time??!! *snort*

  29. Congratulations! Of course, my mom retired at sixty-five and began working at her local library as a volunteer. 8 years later, they hired her and she's been with them four days a week ever since! At 81, she may be the oldest person working for the City of San Diego but she is doing something she loves! I get a glimpse of retirement every Fall when the kids go back to school...can't wait for the real thing someday! Enjoy!

  30. Happy Retirement! It's AWESOME! Remember, Quilt first and then if there is time (HA HA), you can do other things!

  31. Congratulations Carol !!! Your going to love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. That dog is scary looking!! That is how I would smile too! I LOVE the picture of you sitting at the sewing machine!!!! Life is good after retirement....well do we ever REALLY retire???? Congratulations! XOXO

  33. Congratulations! Retirement is more work than having a job at times. :D

  34. Carol, I am sew happy for you!

  35. Yay, Carol! Congratulations! You must be so excited.

    Looking forward to seeing what adventures you'll get into with more time available for you to do what you like.... ;o)

    Is that your sewing machine I hear revving in the background? ;o) LOL

  36. A very happy and quilty retirement to you! ... Enjoy! ... :) Pat

  37. I think it's the end of your Thursday. I want to be one of the first to congratulate you when you arrive home for your first evening of retirement!!! I hope you will do something especially fun!!

  38. Yea!!!! you are joining us retirees. It is so good. You will love it. Congratulations. All that time you thought you were going to have, not!!! It is so nice though, to be able to do things at your own pace, and when you want to. Enjoy!!! I think you will have a blast!!

  39. Absolutely wonderful!! I love being retired and find that I'm as busy as ever. Looks like you'll have a leg-up on MS with all your 'retired time'!! lol (Note the pun 'leg-up' since you used a dog as a mascot!)

  40. CONGRATS! I hope this first day of retirement treats you well.

  41. Congratulations Carol!!! Retirement is sEw exciting....I've been retired since moving to the US in 2002...and I'm now busier then I was when I worked full time....but back then I wasn't quilting. I started quilting just before we moved to Tennessee. Wishing you a long and happy are going to love it!! hugs Pauline

  42. Congratulations on the retirement, Carol! You will be purely amazed how busy your schedule will be especially if you sew and now have time for quilt groups, quilt classes etc etc. You may have even more items for the blog hops than you do now!! I have been retired for 16 yrs now and I am so rarely bored or without something to keep me busy.

    I've missed a few posts as I have been nose to the grindstone to get my items done for HO HO HO--in the homestretch on binding!

  43. Congratulations! on your retirement. Have great time doing some fun stuff.


Comments are always appreciated!

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