Sunday, July 28, 2013

When Did That Get Posted?

I'm still in my PJ's, in case you're wondering, but
I plan to do something...soon...maybe.

I missed visiting a few blogs while I was working and plan
to catch-up now that I lay around in my PJ's a little longer than I used to.

Actually, I think I've missed quite a few posts using this new reader method.

Is it weird to leave comments on blog posts that are older?
Will it look like I neglected/ignored them?

Does this look like I have too much time on my hands
because I'm thinking of reading older posts?


  1. The things we think about when we have too much time on our hands, lol. I have done that too, sometimes I miss a post and really want to comment. I stay at home so I usually wear sweats or jammies when it is cold, need to find some nice winter sweats so I at least feel like I am dressed;)


  2. Ah, Carol ... I think people would be happy to know you're reading their posts ... I most often can't make time to read blogs til the weekend any more, so, I'd rather let them know I visited than let people think they weren't being read... Love your slippers!!

  3. Yes I soooo happy you are still in your PJ...I am not...I am all dressed and ready to sew sew
    I did read quite a few blogs this many did you get to wink>

  4. I'm always behind. There are just so many wonderful blogs out there.

  5. Sometimes I even go back and re-read blogs! Oh the life of a retiree!

  6. I am sooo jealous! I want time to catch up with the blogs and the sewing I've missed. Alas, I must return to school in just a few days. As for reading and commenting on older blog posts, I never really thought of what other's thought. If I have a chance to read and connect enough that I want to comment, I do. And please, please, if you visit my blog, comment away on any post.

  7. You really need to trust me on this ... after you retire, some days are just a total waste of make-up and clean clothes. It does get easier and you will adjust.I'm just saying..." after ten years of retirement. Judy C

  8. LOL.....It sometimes takes me a week to visit blogs and leave comments. I think we all love to read comments so it doesn't matter when you visited.

  9. If I had a blog I would be honored to have you comment! BTW on the Saturdays and Sundays that my husband works if I don't have to go somewhere I stay in my pj's and sew ALL DAY! What a treat!

  10. You're retired now. You can do as you like. or not. I'm sure bloggers would love to hear from you no matter how old the post. PS My granddaughters love coming to grandmas. We stay in our jammies all day if we aren't going anywhere!

  11. Like everyone else said, read when you want to and comment when you want to. I for one love reading each comment that I receive.

  12. No, no, no, you give quality time when you react on older posts, so never hold back in showing your appreciation, beter late than not told you like the post of the shown pictures in the post!

  13. I don't think it's weird --- I do this all the time and especially when I discover a new blog that excites me. I do like the surprise when I realize someone commented on an older post because i know they took time to really look at my postings.

  14. Oh Carol, I do love reading your posts! don't worry about the pjs. if you have somewhere to go, you will get dressed!

    just think of all the UFOs you will finish in no time. or wait, are you one of those people who finish everything you start? LOL.....

    enjoy your time! this is a new adventure.....

  15. Congratulations on your retirement! And welcome to the most wonderful but probably busiest times of your life! People will think you have SO much time now they will try to help you out by filling it with things they think "you will be just perfect for"! and comment on all the old posts you want to. People are thrilled that you read what they had to say, no matter when it was first said!

  16. You can read posts anytime. That's the great thing about the internet. I often read older posts. You learn so much.

  17. Ha! Well Pj's or not looks like you can still write patterns - just heard about it on Mdm Samm and bought your first Craftsy pattern - Yippee for you.


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