Saturday, July 13, 2013

Let The Seams Meet!

I've sewn for...uh, lots and lots of years (too many to mention), but I'm still learning new tricks to make this sewing thing I enjoy so much just a little easier. For years I settled for "almost there" seams that, well...almost met. Then a few months ago I was stalking a few blogs and ran across a video by Cristy Fincher that showed how to glue those seams before sewing. I didn't have the glue she used, but I had some Tombow glue on hand (Quilt Taffy carries it) so I used it to see if this method really worked (I'm sure this isn't new to most of you, but I'm okay being an old dog that CAN learn new tricks.) worked!

Iron your seams in opposite directions 
(this will let them meet so much better when you glue them together.)

Put a little dab of glue on one side just at the seam and lay the other piece on top, matching 
seams. Push the seams into each other so they meet (this is where ironing them in 
opposite directions helps a lot.) Let it dry a few minutes.

Sew them. Iron them. No pins!

See! They are pretty darn perfect in meeting up. Love it!

The project I used to practice this method is for the Ho Ho Ho Blog Hop.
Come back on July 31st to see how all my squares meet each other.


  1. I have never tried that method either. I think I will on my next project so I won't have those almost there corners also. Thanks for the great tip!!

  2. Thank you Carol, for this great tip. I am 65 years old, and I have always felt if it was close enough to suit me then it was fine (sometimes after I had taken the seam apart several times). Now, I am going to give this a try and maybe get them right the first time. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, Carol I see a new competition between you and you know who for who has the most matching seams! Great tip and can't wait to see your latest creation.

  4. Looking very fine, my friend ... :) Pat

  5. Hmmm...thank you for sharing this glue method which I have never heard of or tried. Maybe I can learn a new trick and sew better matching seams. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  6. That is a new one on me and great tip...thanks for sharing.

  7. Great job Carol!! I always sew my seams that way in opposite directions. But the glue is new to me....thank you for that one.

  8. I must be a real old dog...I had never heard of this trick...which may be why my seams don't always line up...giggle. Thanks for the idea!

  9. Hi Carol!!!! Is the glue easy to sew through?!!!! I tried one kind on an applique but it was so hard to sew through... You and that other sweet lady still at it!!!! Hee hee love the fun!!!!

  10. I have never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing the tip. Working away on my project too. Have a great weekend.

  11. I've seen that tip but never tried it...good to know you have had success with it :)

  12. Welll add me to the long list who want to learn new things....
    Those are perfect points...i think i can do this?
    Love the i better get more colourful lol

  13. Thanks for teaching me something new and I am looking forward to the blog hop!!

  14. That is new to me as well! Thanks for passing on a new tip!

  15. You know, I've 'glued' lots of curves and bindings, but don't really use it for every day piecing - great idea! The glue dries pretty much immediately if you iron it. Gluing has changed my life :).

  16. Great new tip... I have always pressed my seams in opposite directions but I insert a pin right beside the seams and then sew over it before removing. Alex Anderson showed this on Simply Quilts once so I said "If she can do it, so can I". lol

    I actually walk the machine over the pin so I do not run the risk of breaking my needle and throwing the machine off time. :)

  17. I use glue all the time for so many things in sewing! I'm glad to see this!


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