Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Yes, it is hot  here, there, and everywhere.

This is today's temp where I am...
and lately it's been about that temperature in my office, too.
The air conditioning just doesn't seem to be working quite good enough for me.

Ugh! I think I'm melting!

I hear "that other lady" is using a fan outside to cool her off...there's no fan big 
enough to cool me off if I sit outside here (NOT that I'm competitive about her
weather, my weather, how many projects she's making for Ho Ho Ho, etc.)

Speaking of the Ho Ho Ho blog hop, look who's waiting to
appear on July 31st...he's so excited and so am I!

There's 94 of us who are busy sewing away on our Christmas in July
projects so we can share them during the Ho Ho Ho blog hop
(the schedule is HERE if you want to see who'll be hopping.)

There's a hexie hop in August and I hear there will be another
hop announced on Friday at Sew We Quilt...something to do with pin cushions.
Fun times ahead!


  1. We got a few cooler days here, but we haven't been in the hundreds either. SO I hear your pain!! Can't wait to see it all finished!!

  2. Ok and not wanting to trump you on the heat is over 111 today....yep...( with the humidity) Can you believe this? But you know what is super cool...your sneak peak....ok, you are getting back to me for the glue comment right? lol

  3. Well you and Samm both have me beat with the heat although it will be close to 100 today. However, I have finished one Ho Ho Ho project and have begun a second so who's cool now? :) blessings, marlene

  4. Hi Carol.Oh my. I think I would melt if it was THAT hot here. It has been in the ninety's, but then it has rained EVERY day so the temp cools down and it gets really nice. Can't wait to see your project for the HO HO HO hop. I am really looking forward to this one.

  5. Oh my Carol! It is not that hot here but the humidity is awful! I love love your sneak peek!
    Have fun
    xo jan@

  6. Carol, DO NOT take what looks to be a SNOWMAN..... OUTSIDE ! You know what will happen !! Frosty won't have a chance !

  7. I lucked out on the heat for the week-end! Suppose to be 103, but now they say 99. Living in the mountains ( actually the foothills), has its advantages, plus low humidity. You can only take off so many clothes, LOL!


Comments are always appreciated!

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