Monday, July 8, 2013

Ho There...A Christmas Gift Idea!

It's not even beginning to look like Christmas with the
temperatures outside hitting 109 to 114, I decided I needed
 a little push to get geared up for the Ho Ho Ho blog hop.

How about...

A fun gift idea for neighbors or friends is this cute little M&M Santa jar 
I saw at Whipperberry. It was so easy and quick...and it had a POM POM! 
Check out her website to see how to make it.

I found the cute little "belt buckle" at Michaels on a clearance rack.

Those red M&M's didn't even melt on the way home from the
M&M store at Ethel M Chocolate Factory. I just might have sampled
one or two M&M's before putting them in that bottle...maybe.


  1. Cute idea! Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  2. Oh so cute!! No point putting those little red M&Ms with me!!! Not going to stay

  3. How adorable! I love it! Can't wait for the Ho Ho Ho Blog Hop....Just started cutting into my Christmas fabric!

  4. Alrighty im sooooo in the spirit...did you gather red ones from a whole bunch of bags? HO HO HO has new m eaning for me now ...

  5. Oh how cute....ANotheer blogg hop to come...yeahh!

  6. When can we sign up for the HoHoHo blog hop, I don't want to blink and miss it. Love your blog.

  7. That is a really cute idea. I used to give gifts to everyone at church, albeit they were small, I loved giving them something. I would order small giftees from the mail order catalogues. Wish I had thought of something like this back then. Love it!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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