Monday, January 21, 2013

Followers? Did I Say Followers Giveaway?

Way back in March 2008 I started my blog, Just Let Me Quilt, to
have a place to keep track of the few-and-far-between sewing projects I created.
I had some loyal family members and friends who felt sorry for me so they

I quickly learned that FOLLOWERS motivated me.

Being a FOLLOWER has never been a requirement to enter my 

it is a requirement to be a FOLLOWER if you want to enter my 
Contest is over!
I am so grateful to the few people who want to come back 
to visit me and I know that if they are following me, 
they will know about this extra little giveaway via their 
email, blogger dashboard, or Google Reader. 

This giveaway is my way of saying,
"Thank You" for coming back.

All you have to do is:

Be a FOLLOWER (by email counts.)
(You can become one right now if you want to be a part of this giveaway.)
Leave one very short and sweet comment
(make sure you let me know if you follow by email since your
little picture won't show up in my Follower box.)
Only one entry per person.
The Follower's Giveaway will end on January 23rd at 6 p.m. PST
(comments left after that time won't count)
Make sure I have your email address or you can't win
I'll ship Internationally.

7 Nancy Drew fat quarters
A pair of spy sunglasses!

Oh, and in case you haven't already signed up
for the Nancy Drew Blog Hop, send me
an email to join the sleuthy fun.

Check out the other blog hops over at


  1. I follow via reader! Our quilt shop here just got this fabric. Looks super fun!

    carrie dot hare@gmail. com

  2. I follow via GFC and Google Reader! That Nancy Drew fabric is fantastic; thanks for the chance.

  3. I follow by GFC. The fabric is so cute and I can't wait for the hop.

  4. Oh yes, I'm your follower. And I love Nancy Drew, think I read all the books when I was young. Thanks for this chance to win. Greetings from Turid in Norway.

  5. I'm a follower via GFC and thanks for the chance love the fabric.

    Robin in Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail

  6. Ah, what a timely giveaway! I was just thinking about what I would do for that hop...Thanks for the chance as I am most definitely a follower ;)
    by GFC. So glad you blog, you often have just the inspiration I am looking for.

  7. I am a follower and will follow you anywhere. I follow on Google Reader.

  8. Hi!!! Thanks for another give away!!! These fabrics are really cute!!! I am excited to see what everyone makes for this hop!!!

  9. Goodness this brings back memories of pestering the librarian to get more Nancy Drew books because I had already read what they had~ most twice! LOL I am a happy follower! Thank you for the fun!

  10. Thanks for another giveaway.I follow via GFC!!

  11. I am a follower and am so glad you started blogging! Love to see what you are up to! Thanks for the chance!

  12. Clearly I am not alone in being happy that you began to blog... I enjoy your "chat", your projects, your enthusiam, your willingness to share... and to top it off, your generosity!... how I would enjoy some Nancy Drew!

  13. wonderful giveaway..I am a follower

  14. I am a GFC follower and I look forward to reading what you post! You are very generous in sharing your creativity and I thank you for that.

  15. You bet I follow!!!! that Nancy Drew fabric would be nice in my stash!!
    Thanks for the chance Carol

  16. I am a follower, love reading your posts.

  17. I'm a follower and I'm doing the Nancy Drew hop.... would love some more fabric! Thanks so much!

  18. I follow via GFC. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  19. I am a follower. I wish I still had all of my Nancy Drew books! What fun fabric.

  20. I am a GFC follower. Thanks for all the inspiration. Good blogs like yours give me hope and promise for my own blog!

  21. I follow you via GFC!!! I used to read Nancy Drew books when I was a pre-teen!! Thanks for the chance!!

  22. I most definitely follow you via GFC.

  23. Seguidora GFC e Email.Adoro!!!Obrigada por abrir internacional.Sou Brasil


  24. Google reader follower right here! Looove the spy glasses...FUN!

  25. I follow :) And I'm looking forward to this hop!

  26. I have followed your blog awhile, read every post. Very nice giveaway. Please blog on :)

  27. Yours was one of the first blogs I started to follow....when I discovered there was such a thing as quilting bloggers about a year ago. It took me longer to start my own! I follow you on Google!

  28. I'm a follower. The Nancy Drew fabric makes me want to read the books again.

  29. I am one of your followers via Google Reader.

  30. How's your embroidery coming along Carol? From what I've seen so far, I think you've definitely got it!
    Of course I'm a follower...through thick and thin :)
    Thank you for the chance to "get clued in" ;)

  31. A very happy hello from Abbeville, Alabama! Thanks for the giveaway!
    lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  32. Of course I follow, and so looking forward to hopping with you and Drew! Would love a few more prints to go with the few I ordered online! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  33. This fabric brings back memories of vacationing at my Aunts one summer. She had ALL the Nancy Drew books and I read them all in order, one after another. It was wonderful! I am a follower via RSS Feeds. Thanks for the chance at your generous giveaway.

  34. Hi I am an avid follower on Google reader -

  35. Follow by reader....Fun fabrics

  36. What a sweet giveaway Carol. Those spy glasses made me laugh.


  37. Ooops! Sorry, Carol. I just goofed with my comment before that I took off...guess I'd better get to bed as I must be more tired than I thought. :)
    I love your blog as I'm sure you know and follow with FC and Reader. I'm enjoying a cranberry scone and wish I could share it with you...that's sweet, right!?!! lol

  38. I follow by Google. I'd probably follow by wagon train but then we wouldn't have computers and none of us could follow you but we are :-)

  39. I have been lurking for quite some time. I am now a follower via email. I enjoy your blog, thank you!

  40. I follow with Google Friend Connect! I love the Nancy fabric!

  41. I enjoy reading your blog and am a follower.


  42. Thank you for the chance to win !!
    I`m a follower via google friend connect and have a link to yours in my bloglist on my blog! :)
    Greatings from Germany !

  43. I'm a follower in GFC and google reader..only 3 more and you'll be at 300 woohoo :)

  44. Hi Carol. Have a minute to check blogs & you're at the top of the list! I'm a most happy follower,,,who cannot make a short & sweet comment,,,ever! LOLOL
    Thanks for inspiring me,,,and for the chance to win.

  45. I am a happy follower too! Thanks for all your posting and sharing. It is fun to read and it is very appreciated and inspirational.
    Look forward to another grat year with you.
    Hugs Martina

  46. I follow your blog Carol and I truly enjoy following and seeing what you are doing. Thanks for having a giveaway for us followers.

  47. I follow along via email. I wish I could do that with all the blogs I follow It is so easy and I never ever miss a post. Each day I look forward to seeing what is happening with everyone in blogdom land. Thank you for a chance in your lovely fabric giveaway. I loved nacy Drew growing up & my daghter loves her now.

  48. I am a follower by email. Love the fabrics.

  49. I've been a follower via email for a that I have a blog, I now follow via GFC too. I so enjoy your creative ideas and encouragement to those of us trying 'new' things.

    LOVE the SPY Glasses! :)

    Seeing the fabric's coolness...makes me wish I had signed on for the Nancy Drew blog hop!


  50. I'm an email follower..... love the sleuthy (is that a word?) glasses. Fun giveaway! Thank you

  51. I'm an email follower. Every morning I enjoy reading what you've been up to. I have enjoyed reading about your Nancy Drew quilt and I thought it was ingenious on coloring it in with the marker!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. I follow you via e-mail. Thanks for the giveaway, it is very generous of you.

  53. I receive your e-mails but also signed up as a follower. I love all the ideas quilting and non quilting that I get from blogs. Keep up the good work!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  54. I follow via email. Thank you for the giveaway! I love the Nancy Drew fabric!

  55. Hi, I am an email follower and just love to read your blog!!!!

  56. I follow by email! Love the Nancy Drew giveaway!


  57. I follow your blog by Google. I enjoy your blog. Nancy P.

  58. I follow your blog and also find that having followers motivates me to write more and get more done so that I have something to write about. This is a great give a way and I look forward ot seeing who wins. Thanks for this opportunity.

  59. Well of course I am a follower, both Google Friend and email. I don't want to miss anything you have to say. And I just found my old Nancy Drew book!

  60. I follow you by email and on google. Love the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  61. I follow you via GFC - thanks for a fun giveaway!

  62. I follow you by email. I've tried to get my little face in the box over there, but it just won't happen. LOL, I guess I broke the proverbial camera....

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I'm am old follower who looks forward to your blog appearing in my email! I love the name of your blog and frequently find myself muttering it under my breath as I am doing other "chores"! Thank you for the opportunity to win such cool fabric - I discovered Nancy when I was in my late 20s and read every one my library had!

  65. I follow by GFC and by email. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone is doing with the nancy drew fabric. I just loved those books when I was a kid.

  66. I'm a follower, and I loved your Word Blog Hop recently :) I can't wait to see the Valentine and Nancy Drew hops. Thanks for the chance to win!


  67. Carol, I follow you via email! What a wonderful giveaway. Those spy glasses are a hoot!
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  68. OMW you know I have to have to those super secret spyglasses, and that NANCY DREW GET A CLUE fabric!! The super dooper secret spyglasses are a must so that I can secretly spy to see what Madamm Samm is up to with those NANCY Drew clues of hers!!! You know she's always got fun things up her sleeve..... and MY birthday is the 25th so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME????? LOL!!!!! It's ALWAYS FUN talking you and reading about what you are up to.
    Can't wait to see what dresden ends up on your dessert plate Thursday!

  69. Hi Carol, I have you in my Reader which I check several times a day - can we say addicted to blogging? :) I'd love to win some Nancy Drew. I didn't sign on for this hop so I haven't bought any fabric. :O blessings, marlene

  70. You don't know how much fun it is to follow you! Of course I come back for more of your writing and showing of great pieces you make and of course for the adventures of your monkeyboys.
    I wish you lots more fun sharing blogposts and I will return to your blog reading them! A big hug for you.

  71. I love following you. I will follow where ever you lead me. Even if it is astray. I get your posts in my in-box every day and I love it.

  72. Wow, cool fabric! I can't wait to see what everyone makes for the hop! I follow through email! I love reading about your monkey boys!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I follow via Email..I prefer to read NOW and not fool with Facebook!

    You couldn't have given a more perfect prize!!! Few years back I started "playing" with my 2 grand daughters (then 4 and 10) "detectives". We'd sneak around to get lunch and just silly little things, tiny notebooks for secret cods etc. We still do it, they particularily love the "secret agent sandwiches" which are just tiny sandwiches I cut the bread/meat with a small rectanble cookie cutter and athey have about 3 bites..and they get 3 out of 2 slices of bread! THey just love it..and what better Secret Agent/dectective that Nancy Drew!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. I follow with blogger. I love following along with all the hops! They are so much fun! I use them for inspiration.

  76. Yes, I am a follower. That is such cute fabric. Thanks for the give away. I read Nancy Drew when I was young (I am 70 now). Nancy:

  77. I follow via email.


  78. I am a follower via email and GFC. Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  79. I follow by email and GFC. Thank you for offering the lovely giveaway. I didn't read Nancy Drew when I was growing up. When my daughter was 7, I started buying them to read with her. My late mom (who was 88 at the time) was living with us. She loved the books and started buying one each week when she went out shopping on the senior citizen's bus. My daughter is 24 now and she still has the entire set and the memories of sharing the books with her grandmother.

  80. I'm already a follower of your blog via google reader.I love reading Nancy Drew books when I was young...Thanks for the chance!

  81. I spy your blog all the time. A follower I've been for a while. Loving every post!

  82. I spy your blog all the time. A follower I've been for a while. Loving every post!

  83. I follow your blog both via GFC and Google Reader. Thanks for this great giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  84. I'm a new follower. Love Nancy Drew!


Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...