Sunday, January 20, 2013

By Jove, I Think I've Got It!

Well...I've almost GOT IT...but, I'm really, really close to having it stick in my head...the stem stitch, that is. I'm on a roll outlining something using the hand embroidery stem stitches for the Hugs and Kisses blog hop and so far so good, not perfect, but good. You guys were awesome with all your hints and encouraging words!

The hints I've used the most today (and are working so far) at my attempt to do hand embroidering were:
  • Hold the thread up and let it hang down to untwist.
  • Keep the thread length short.
  • Back the fabric with white flannel so the threads don't show.
  • Use a good thread, size 12 (I used Prescencia Finca.)
  • Use good needles.
  • Check out videos/tutorials online. I found this one on YouTube to be helpful, too: (

When I think I've really got this hand embroidery stuff down, I'll start working on a few cute embroidery projects I have sitting around just waiting for me to start adding thread to them.


I found this really cool piece yesterday at The Clover Patch Quilt Store in Santa Clara, Utah. It was all alone (and old) and was just waiting for me to buy it. It's a Singer treadle machine design and since a Singer was the first sewing machine I ever had, this piece was definitely calling my name. It looks like it is actually meant to be machine stitched/embroidered, but I can only tackle one new process at a time and right now that is hand embroidering.

The little plastic bag it was in said:
LuRae's Creative Stitchery, "The Treadle Machine"
by Charlene Miller

I'm thinking positive and happy thoughts that I'll remember how to do the stem stitch (again) when I stop writing this post. Senior moments happen around my place all the time, so I never know what I'll remember (or forget.)


  1. LOL..I have way too many of those senior moments lately!! Love that piece you found with the old singer sewing machine.

  2. Oh yes, you've got it! Love that treadle pattern...and love the picture taken outside...but where is the snow?

  3. Looking good! Just takes a little practice and a few words of encouragement. Isn't the internet wonderful.

  4. Looks good. I have some I need to get back to!

  5. I still am struggling with the stem stitch but I have no mastered the cross stitch on line over 2 threads. alleluia!!! I get a another stem stitch lesson next week, phewwww

  6. I need to look for this pattern, my grandma's sewing machine was just like this one but the table only had two drawers instead of three each side! What a great find!

  7. You've got it! It looks wonderful!

  8. Looking good Carol. Love the treadle machine design you lucked in to finding too.

  9. You are doing very well!

    Here is a great resource for learning embroidery stitches. Gotta love videos!

  10. hand embroidery + old singer treadle = LOVE!! Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Hi
    Carol great tips.... That treadle machine wow.....that is very advanced stitching lol you sound like you are getting all kinds of will need it for all the upcoming stitching hops lol.

    P,s love your pics...great setting

  12. I love to stitch~ that treadle is so cute! Congrat's on mastering the stem stitch! :-) Happy stitchin'!

  13. Holy cow, I love them! I know what you mean... I have to review every time I go back to do a little embroidery, LOL!

  14. Love your stitchery looks like my treadle!


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