Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop

I love cookie exchange parties and think it would be a blast to have all of you over for a party,
but since that isn't possible, how about a Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop!

December 1st through December 4th

Bake up a batch of your favorite cookies, take a photo, create a blog post, and add your recipe.
You could also include an old or new Christmas quilt and/or some of your Christmas traditions.
Once I get a few willing participants, I'll email you the date of your special day to show your recipe.

Want to come party with me from December 1st through December 4th?
Send me an email letting me know you're in!

Be sure to include:
Your name
Your blog name
Your email address
Your URL to your blog

If you decide to play along...
I'm no button guru, so I have no code for the picture above to add to your blog.
Just right click on it and save it to your computer.
I found a way to make a button with code! It's over in my sidebar.

Just Let Me Quilt

Come on, you know you want to and we all want your cookie recipe!

P.S. I've been getting lots of "I'm on a diet" emails...just share a recipe, don't make the cookies.
There are children (and adults) who still eat cookies and would love your recipes! :O)


  1. Trying to lose 25 lbs! So, I won't join, will power...but you can bet I will be watching and lusting...especially for the chocolates. Have a great and sweet hop.

  2. I think this is a wonderful idea. Have sent you an email with my info.

  3. I'd love to be a part of this. I will send you an email with my information as well.


  4. Hhhhmmm I think I may be willing. Maybe a good way to look for lo cal or diabetic treats.

  5. If there is still space, I'm in. Isell send you an email.

  6. You ladies have fun with all those cookies.

  7. Yay for cookies...and recipes, I'm in :)

  8. Well that's strange... my comment disappeared. If this comes through twice, please delete one. :)

    I make lots of cookies every year for Christmas so count me in. I'll get an e-mail away to you right away with my info. And thanks... this will be fun!

  9. I'm in for sure. I'll email you. Assuming there is still openings. Great idea!

  10. I just sent one of my very very very favorite cookie recipes! I love this!

  11. Great idea, Carol! What a pity, I am a cake baker! I will of course use this opportunity to collect some cookie recipes.


  12. Super fun idea, Carol! Thanks for the invite. If there are still openings, I'd love to be a part of this. I am already in a cookie exchange, so it will be fun to add this little twist.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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