Monday, November 9, 2015

Addie, Belle, Betty, And Coral Farmer's Wife Blocks

I'm a slow mover on these blocks, but I shall persevere! Only 92 blocks to go!

#1 - Addie
"When I left town I traded my electric washer for two cows. I have no 
modern conveniences...still I am happier than I ever have been before."
~ Mrs. H. S. L., Washington, October 1930

# 13 - Belle
"We observe the old custom of having our whole family together for Christmas dinner. 
Last year there were nearly forty of us. Each family brought a basket lunch with service 
for its own members. No dirty dishes to mar the womenfolks' good time"
~ Merry Christmas, Nebraska, December 1935

#14 - Betty
"We feel that our lives have been greatly enriched and that our twenty years 
together have been much sweeter because of our music."
~ Music Maker, North Carolina, March 1933

#24 - Coral
"They are just 'little whiles' in the midst of busy hours..." But long after other things are 
forgotten, they'll look back and remember those 'little whiles' with Mother."
~ For More Fun, Wisconsin, October 1936

The sweet short stories in this book are so precious.

Tomorrow is Trunk Full of Quilts...add your blog post link of your quilts!

Online Quilt Trunk Show | Whims And Fancies


  1. Wow, looks like you are making great progress Carol!!

  2. Wonderful colours, beautiful blocks

  3. Your blocks are sew soft in color and beautiful. I really love the simple statements that acompany each block. Creative FW Blocks Bliss...

  4. Very pretty. The one story reminds me of a book that my ex MIL gave me called The Egg and I. There was actually a movie made about it with Claudette Cobert. Your fabrics are marvelous.


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...