Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Vegetarian, I Mean Veteran's Day

Happy Veteran's Day or according to my five year old Monkey Boy... 

Happy "Vegetarian" Day!

My daughter was talking to the grandson about my hubby today:

Monkey Boy: "Did you know he's a vegetarian?"

Daughter: "You mean a veteran?"

Monkey Boy: "Yeah, that's it!"

The Hubby In Uniform

Thank you to my grandson for that laugh-out-loud conversation 
and to all of you who have served this great country!


Things going on this week:

Trunk Full of Quilts HERE

Voting for Dog Gone Cute Dog (mine is #9) HERE

Christmas Is In My Heart Blog Hop begins tomorrow HERE

Sign-up for Virtual Christmas Cookie Blog Hop HERE


  1. Kids are just too much! Thanks for sharing such a cute story!

  2. Was the hubby aware he was a Vegetarian? Cute story. Those are the ones that will be told for a long time. Happy Veteran's Day (late)

  3. LOL!! Thanks for the laugh. I had to share it with my hubby. Many many thanks to your hubby for the service!


  4. Priceless. LOL Hubby will be forever more a "vegetarian". Extra hugs for that monkey boy.

  5. A Big laugh...Thanks to your hubby for his services.


Comments are always appreciated!

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