Monday, November 9, 2015

It's Time For Just Let Me Quilt's Trunk Show

I love attending trunk shows and seeing all the amazing projects from designers.
Well, now it's my turn to show some of the things I've made over the years.

Thanks you, Soma at Whims and Fancies, for this chance to have our very own trunk show!
Check out her linky party to catch all the other shows.

Online Quilt Trunk Show | Whims And Fancies

Because I've sewn my whole life and been in a gazillion blog hops, this is very photo heavy. Sorry!
I'll keep this short on words...just scroll through to see things I've made over the years.


Bags, Purses, and Totes

Pin Cushions, Pillows, and Pictures

Rows and Quilt-As-You-Go 


Mug Rugs

Some Of The Other Quilts and Things

This was a major flashback of what I've made over the years! 
I hope you're still here and didn't get too bored.
I was totally surprised at all the quilts and projects I've made and there are even more I didn't show.
There were a few I'd forgotten about, which is why I love blogging about my projects.

Have fun checking out all the other trunk shows at Whims and Fancies!


  1. Wow! What fun to scroll through your pretties! I saw so many favorites, I couldn't choose just one! Great trunk show, Carol!

  2. You have so many cool and beautiful projects! Thanks for sharing.

  3. That was great. I remember many of those wonderful quilts from your blog but some were new to me. Just beautiful. I really enjoyed seeing them again. Thanks for sharing.

  4. way! Love seeing all of these wonderful creations. If I HAD to pick a favorite, it would be the quilt with the crows, but I really love them all!

  5. Wow, it was wonderful to see all these creations of yours--and remember seeing them before. :) You do such wonderful work and are so prolific. I love seeing your work. The quilt with the little red balloons floating away really caught my attention. That one I don't recall seeing before, and I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I loved this. You have accomplished so much over the years. What fun.
    And... I know there are a lot more that you are hiding bc you think they are not good enough.
    This was the most exciting and exquisite display of creativity and artistry ever. Pure perfection.
    I cannot pick a favorite. I know a lot of love went into each stitch.
    Love the ruffly apron and the skirted bib. Both things that would be so cute for my little baby Sarah.
    I am going to see her today.

  7. What a sense of accomplishment and pride you must feel after creating so many different works of art throughout the years, some beautiful, some cute some functional, some funny and some a little scary, but all created with love. I really enjoyed your trunk show and look forward to visiting some of the others.

  8. Oooh, I recognize so many of these Carol, you make such beautiful things! So glad to see all this eye candy in one place, makes me smile big.

  9. I recognize many of them from over the years, Carol. You do such beautiful work. It is never boring to see such a fabulous trunk show.

  10. Oh such fun! I am so impressed at the variety of projects and skills you have! Love love all your use of gingham...kindred spirit alert,lol! And the flowered mug rug that matches the cup, LOVE.....and the barred quilt with all the blues, greens and purples, mmmmmmm! Thanks so much for pulling out all these wonderful creations!

  11. Holy Cow Carol so many wonderful creations! I do remember seeing most of them and they were so nice to see again. That one little quilt with the 3 witches is darling and I don't recall that one. Can you tell me if it was a pattern and where you got it? Thanks for sharing these.

  12. What a wonderful trunk show! Your style is quite fun and whimsical and so full of color. I espcially love your mug rugs....just great!

  13. Enjoyed seeing all your beautiful work Carol!!!

  14. I am speechless! Your creations are amazing! I have bookmarked it to scroll through again! Care if I mention you on my blog? I am particularly interested in a fabric on the third picture down, the quilt with the line drawing of the kids at the mail box. I LOVE that back'd be perfect for a retro "text" theme quilt I am collecting fabric for.. it' be the perfect back for it! Where did you get it or do you know the name of it? Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement! And I dont' like Halloween but those themed cute and amazing!

  15. I love seeing all of your work! Such beautiful colors and fabrics and details and varieties!!
    I also gave you one of my votes in the Dog Gone Cute Linky Party!!

  16. So much fun to see all of your projects. Your use of color and fabric choices in each of these is outstanding!

  17. Carol, you are Uber Talented! I loved seeing so much of your work. My favorite is the photo with your Monkey boys, just cause it is a photo with your Monkey boys, LOL. But this was a treat! Thanks for sharing!

  18. You do such beautiful work, love the show!

  19. This is so fun to see all the beautiful work and your creative talent on display! This post gives me chills to see all the quilts and other items you have made! I love this post!

  20. These are such a fun collections of quilty and other goodness... Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Thanks for sharing! Loved seeing all your projects. Wish I was half as productive!

  23. OMG a lot of beautiful quilts, congrats !

  24. Carol you have so many amazing projects here I was simply mesmerized.....I have to say the ladies in the red hats, the flag hearts, and the row quilts are my favorites. Your sewing skills are matched by your photography skills! such professional photos of all! Well done!

  25. You have so many lovely quilts and projects! I´m speechless! What a huge tallented person you are!

  26. Such wonderful and unique patterns. So inspiring... Thank you

  27. Such wonderful and unique patterns. So inspiring... Thank you

  28. Oh my goodness! So many gorgeous quilts. I just loved the witches one, and the one with the lady with the wind blowing (the one with the dog of course)! Thanks for the trunk show.

  29. So many beautiful projects, I can't even decide what I like best!

  30. What a beautiful trunk show. You do amazing work and always have lovely color/fabric choices.

  31. What a beautiful trunk show. You do amazing work and always have lovely color/fabric choices.

  32. What a wonderful trunk show! Such eye candy and quilting inspiration!

  33. Wow!! Seriously! You know I love your work and seeing them here together was just fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing.


  34. Holy WOW have you been busy!! :D Your work is absolutely beautiful! Like Soma said, it is just fabulous to see a bunch of them in one post! Bored? Definitely not possible!! Beautiful show :)

  35. So much fun looking at all these great quilts and projects. I'm especially fond of your row quilts (Oh that sock monkey quilt!) and how you made mug rugs to match specific mugs.

  36. Great bunch of quilts and projects. Thanks!

  37. What a great post, Carol! I know I have seen some of these before... But others are new to me! All are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your creative goodness with us!

  38. Awesome collection. Was so much fun to scroll through. Thanks for sharing.

  39. You are not afraid of color, nor playing, nor experimenting - your work shows that you have great fun with your quilting.

  40. What lovely projects that I enjoyed while having my cup of coffee!

  41. Wow! You've made a full spectrum of projects, all of them fun. It would be hard to pick a favorite.

  42. Wow, great trunkful of quilty goodness here! I especially love the "hearts in the desert quilt photos."

  43. So many beautiful things to see that I don't know where to begin. I particularly love your witches brew quilt.

  44. Wow! Great show! I love your Halloween stuff and the Grinch quilt. Thanks for the variety.

  45. What a wonderful array of projects. So glad you are able to spend time at the sewing machine creating joy for you and others.

  46. What an amazing assortment of quilted projects!! I wasn't bored at all, and enjoyed seeing all the variety. You had some great backdrops (and helpers!) for displaying your quilts too ;)

  47. So much talent here! Love the little purses, especially! And, all of the quilts! Thank You.

  48. all that and Mary Englebreit too! I love the stack of bowls, the halloween quilts, well so many. It's amazing to see a body of work all in one place, it gives you a sense of a person. I didn't do that but it would have been fun. I know what a lot of work it was to load all these pictures! Leeanna at not afraid of color

  49. So many gorgeous 'pretties' spilling from out of your trunk! Such a stunning gallery of quilts and other makes stitched by your clever fingers! Just breath taking!!

  50. Wow! This is a gorgeous (and super big) trunk full of beauties! I saw so many things that I liked - your work is stunning. Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful work with us!

  51. A wonderful, wonderful trunk show. Well worth seeing over and over.

  52. What an interesting trunk show. So many interesting pieces to see and enjoy. The blue Christmas tree with the skinny Santas put a smile on my face. Thanks for the fabulous trunk show!

  53. Am in awe! Thanks for letting us see your fab work - wish I could see these up close and personal - what a treat to scroll and admire!

  54. Love them all! Where do you find the time! My favorite is the Ladies Diary. What's up for next year?

  55. Oh my goodness! So many beautiful and fun projects! There are so many great ones, but I think my favourite was the seasons row quilt.

  56. Wow! You are so talented. I've known it for years and this was a great reminder.


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