Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Let The Christmas Game Begin

Every year on Christmas Eve my family gets together to play a gift exchange type of game.
Sometimes the gifts are a bit unusual, but it's great to get together and have a good laugh.

This year we'll be playing a different game, but hopefully it will still be fun and memorable.

The game is called "What's In the Stocking?"

For this game I'll be using 18 numbered Christmas stockings, each with a small item inside.
The stockings will be passed around for each person to feel and guess what's inside.
They will then write their answers next to the corresponding numbers on a paper.
The adults can help the little monkeys write things down.

The person who guesses the most correct amount of items will get to pick the stocking they want.
After that, the youngest person in the room will pass out the remaining stockings to everyone.
The items are inexpensive so I doubt there will be much fighting over any particular stocking.
They can trade them around if they want to.
The stockings could have been either store-bought or homemade.
I went with homemade because I had lots of felt waiting to be used for something like this.

Using a stocking pattern I found online (there's lots of them out there), I cut out 10" felt stockings. 
Note to self: Next year make them a little bigger to accommodate larger objects. 
 I needed18 stockings, but any amount could be made depending on the size of the crowd.
Using stencils I purchased at a craft store and some craft paint, I added numbers to each stocking.

I just dabbed the paint on, removed the stencil while it was wet, and then let it dry.
I love that blue painter's tape! It's great for so many things!

Here they are all lined up and ready to be sewn together.

I did a simple straight stitch around them and pinked the edges...easy and fast!

My hubby and I had a great time finding inexpensive items to fill these bags.
We wanted things that were not too easy to identify, but would be fun for all ages.
Toys, tools, candy, gift cards, and whatever would fit in the stockings were perfect for us.
Once the item was in the bag, I just straight stitched across the top to close it.
Next year I'll add Velcro or a drawstring to the opening so they can be used over-and-over.

I'm hoping the Monkey Boys (and the rest of the family) will enjoy this game.

Just 7 more days to game time and 
8 more days until Christmas!
I can't wait!


  1. Not that I do not know what day of the week it is, or the date even, but your 7/8 more days just made me think eeekkkk! Sounds like a fun game.

  2. Oh, I like that idea Carol!! we do a swap At our ladies group and is a blast

  3. That's a cute idea. It will be fun just to hear what they think is in the stocking. Enjoy!

  4. Sounds like fun! Hope you all have an enjoyable and very merry Christmas!

  5. That sounds like loads of fun!
    Merry Christmas, Carol *

  6. What a fun idea. I think it would be most fun to hear what the children think they are feeling.

  7. Your Monkey boys and everyone else will love it Carol, what a fun idea. Just don't put Creepy Bunny in one or it will give someone the scare of the year! LOL Have a Merry Christmas!

  8. This game sounds like a winner! I am going to 'hack' the idea from you and put it in my idea bos for next year's HOA party!


  9. What a fun thing to do! It's all about the fun and not so much what's inside! Great family time!

  10. Just Stopping by to Wish you All a Very Merry Christmas!!! Should Have know I would find something great here in the process. Love the Stocking idea Game!! We usually play LRC with Quarters and small gifts, getting pricey so I may try your idea next year!!
    Make it Merry!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  11. Sounds like a fun game! The stockings came out so cute.

  12. Cute stockings and fun sounding activity...we need to do something like that with our next Christmas...there are just getting to be too many to buy big gifts for!

  13. What a cool idea for a Christmas game!! Gonna try to remember this for next year. I'd probably have to sew the tops like you did though. I might have some cheaters here ;)


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