Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Pigs Flying All Over The Place

I had no idea what PIGS were until Joan at Moosestash Quilting told me. 
It was a brilliant blog hop idea to get some of our "projects in grocery sacks" finished.

She really pushed my button on this one!
I found way too many PIGS in my fabric closet. Yikes!
Thanks to Joan, I finished quite a few.

I found a great rock wall at a park near me...perfect for quilt photos.


This one was started by my grandson but he never finished it.
His life is pretty busy right now, so I finished it for him.

It was a great way to use up a charm pack.


The Ghastlie fabric is one of my favorites, but for some reason I never finished this one from 2011.
All it needed was to be quilted and binding added.


My friend, Susan, made me this Ghastlie quilt top. I added a border, quilted it with minky 
on the back, and added binding. This one is mine...I love how soft and cozy it is!
It was a little windy for pics, but I managed with the help of my crew.


Last summer, Joan came to visit (it was a whirlwind of fun!) and showed Susan and I
how to do pantos on my longarm. This was a practice piece and I didn't want to just
throw it away, so it now has binding and will be a donation quilt.

I've had the fabric FOREVER but never used it. Love those girls!


This one was a paper pieced quilt that was sewn in 2012. It had the top, bottom, and binding 
just waiting in a bag for me to finish it. I scribbled some quilting on it and called it done!


This quilt was made using the tube method of strips that get cut at different areas. 
It only needed a couple more strips at the bottom to be finished.
Quilted and binding added...done!

I think I love Joan for pushing me to do this...or maybe not. LOL 
She can be quite wicked (but fun) sometimes!

I've been so impressed with all the PIGS that have been finished.
Check them out all the PIGS by visiting these blogs...lots of fun!


  1. Wow, what a lot of finishes! You really took this to heart, and even have a cute donation now.

  2. What an amazing collection of now-finished-PIGs! You found a great spot to photograph them all too.

  3. You really went to town on this challenge. I'm so happy that your have more space for new projects now! LOL!! There's that wicked coming out of me again! Love all your projects and am thrilled that I was able to help get you and
    Susan comfortable with pantographs. I am going to have to con hubby into another Vegas adventure, so we can play some more. . TEE HEE HEE

  4. I am super impressed at all the PIGS you finished! They all look great! Someone will love the cupie doll quilt (at least that's what they look like to me). That rock wall is a great place to take pics too.

  5. SIX UFOs! How perfectly wonderful. Perhaps, it's just as well that you haven't made a list of unfinished projects, Carol. I did a couple of years ago and I keep working on them and crossing them off. You have lots of fun quilts. I especially think the grandson's quilt. It shows how much you love him that you also finished it.

  6. Oh my goodness what a lovely array of quilts! I am really partial that charm pack one started by your grandson. That rock wall is a very attractive background. Looks like you and Joan were having too much fun. ;)

  7. I'm totally impressed with all of the quilts you finished up this month! They are all lovely.

  8. That is on pile of pigs on their way to being useful and well loved quilts! The rock wall is fun and I do believe that Joan is a good instigator...that is for sure!

  9. Absolutely fantastic finishes! I love that rock wall!

  10. Wow! What a wonderful pile of PIGS that have become finished quilts.

  11. Wow! way to finish!! (that is supposed to be @crazyboutquilts~ no idea how to change it! :D )

  12. You have certainly been busy! Where do you find the time??? I am so impressed. All of your projects are great, but of course my favorite are the two Ghastlies quilts. My kind of people!

  13. Wow, you've been busy, Carol! You have a whole litter of PIGS there! LOL Great finishes!

  14. Oh, Ghastlies!!!! And I had some of that cutie pie dollie fabric - I fussy cut them, but I like the whole cloth idea better.

  15. Wow I'm impressed with the amount of finishes Joan pushed you into accomplishing. My favorites are the Ghastlies, I love them. Your pieces yes, but I truly love the Ghastlies themselves.

  16. Awesome finishes! I want to meet you both!!

  17. Gosh you have been busy! Lots of lovely finishes :-) I bet you have a great feeling of satisfaction as well as a slightly emptier cupboard!

  18. Lots of great finishes. Love the dolls on Pig #4 and the stacked strips on Pig #6.

  19. Sew many amazing finishes! Love the rock wall as a fun and unique backdrop.


Comments are always appreciated!

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